We’ve all heard of Casual Fridays, a day some companies set aside to allow their employees a more laid back dress code. But have you heard of the new trend making its way around offices called Makeup Free Mondays? The online magazine, The Beauty Bean, started "the movement" aimed at encouraging women to embrace their inner beauty by tossing their makeup for one day every week.
Creator of the Beauty Bean, Alexis Wolfer, talks about how lots of women who participate in Makeup Free Mondays have written to her to say how liberated they feel after getting over the initial hump of not wearing makeup to work. Wolfer goes on to talk about how she and the women she works with have handled the makeup-less days, "we found ourselves apologizing for not wearing makeup, as if we were doing something wrong. We’re not, however, doing anything ’wrong’ and no one even seems to be noticing."
The idea that women have to wear makeup in our society in order to look professional has been instilled in us our whole lives, but why? Why do we feel the need to cover up wrinkles, lengthen our lashes, or darken our lips ever day of the week when men don’t? Do we do this for ourselves or the people around us? Makeup Free Mondays is a way for women to question and redefine the idea of what beauty really is all about.
If you feel like tossing the lipstick one day out of the week, the online magazine gives six ways to participate in Makeup Free Mondays. One way to participate and give back at the same time is to make a donation of unused, unopened makeup to some organizations like Dress For Success, that help women who don’t have the means to purchase clothing and cosmetics for job interviews.
What do you think of Makeup Free Mondays?
Is this something you might try at your place of work?
I don't know why any one would care if someone wore make up or not. It's not like deodarant optional(Yuck). People wear what makes them feel good. So what if it is make up, favorite pair of shoes, or a perfume. I love myself inside and out and have been told that I look beautiful without make-up. When I wear it, it is something for me.
do*** lol
The only time i wear makeup is when I go out to a bar/club. Other than that, I'm told by most people that i pull off the natural look due to my great complexion (thanks mom)!! So hat's off to the ladies that will due this. It's better for your skin to breathe anyways!!
I also want to add that a lot of people are not interested in makeup because they do not know the right way to use it and get frustrated because the makeup application doesn't come out the way it could it they were educated on how to customize their makeup according to their facial features and skin tones. I know finding the right shade of liquid foundation can be really frustrating.
I love makeup..the idea is not to have it caked on your face and look completely overdone. It is very rare that someone has naturally perfect skin and I just like to even out my skin tone with an extremely light foundation. It is also my SPF because it protects your face from UV rays and free radicals. I think makeup is a fun way to express myself and I feel more confident when I accentuate my good features or have a really fun eyeshadow. It is almost like getting my hair done, there is no limit to the different looks I can do. I am a creative person and I also want to put my best face forward because that is my profession..cosmetology!
Ever since I married 4 years ago and started my own at-home business, I've stopped wearing tons of makeup. I've always used moisturizers so my routine now is simply, moisturizer, mascara & lip gloss. I love the sunkissed glow of my face and actually feel better about myself. I agree with clintongrl590 when she stated "...now I see a beauty I have never seen before."
I don't wear make-up unless I am going somewhere special . I figure I wore enough in my teens through my thirtys that I am exempt from wearing it now . lol
Ever since my first baby i NEVER wear makeup ! I used to wear makeup everywhere i went but now i see a beauty i have never seen before. i actually believe that i look better without makeup on. If i do wear it its just mascara and a little foundation (bare minerals is the bomb). my husband tells me not to wear it because he likes me natural. Hey thats the way God made us, why cover it up ?!
Well, I LOVE my makeup and I feel like if I'm not wearing it, I am less confident in myself. I wear it for me; to feel great in my own skin. I love the idea of makeup free mondays, however, as a great way for women to feel empowered and to showcase their natural beauty, and also to give their skin a break! Hey, if you've got it flaunt it, right? I might even give it a try! :)
I think that Makeup Free Mondays is a great idea!!! I can make women feel good about themselves and boost their confidence in themselves and in others. However, I do understand how some women might feel uncomfortable with taking off their makeup. Some women feel as if they really need it and can't go without it. Therefor. I don't thnk it should be mandatory. Would I do it? Yes!!!
i go out with out make up all the time but i also think make up free days is kinda dumb, if you want to wear it wear it if you comfortabel with out the go with out it. as long as you are dresses apropreatly for your job thats what maters. i don't think women should feel like the have to wear make up, but i also under stand that thats what it makes some people fell comfortable
I hardley ever wear makeup and I might apply it on a special occasion. I do not like the feel of makeup on my skin and I make an effort to take care of my skin. All my life people have mistaken me for being at least 10 years younger than my current age and that is with me being overweight. I recently started apply lip gloss, but most days it is some type of chapstick.
I think it is a great idea. I usually don't wear much makeup. I feel that my skin stays clearer when I don't cover it up with a lot of makeup.
I usually wear makeup, however, on the weekends I try to go makeup free. During the weekdays my routine is less than 5 minutes!