Blogs and Articles by drodriguez

The Center for Disease Control also reports that more than 20% of the U.S. population does not exercise at all in a typic…

To some this may seem like an honor, but after many years of only being asked to speak during February or getting turned …

A recent article in the New York Times offers scientific proof that changing the way you date while in a long term relati…

If this kind of spending is not in your budget this February, you should know that there are other meaningful and enjoyab…

When a test subject was told that one wine cost more than the other they tricked themselves into believing the more expen…

The NCCC urges women to think about their health in the new year and contact their health care providers to set up a rout…

You may be spent (both physically and financially) from all the shopping, traveling, and holiday cheer December brought w…

The practice has been going on for many years, but it was only recently that a man in New York City decided to sue a coup…