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My Reviews (39)

St. Ives Blemish and Blackhead Control - Ap…

St. Ives Bl… Rating

Your rating: 5

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Urban Decay… Rating

Your rating: 3

My Comments (9)

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Hawaii Moves To Raise Cigarette Smoking Age To 21

on May 03, 2015: I do not believe raising the age to purchase tabacoo products will change anything, children get their hands on anything they want. Morals start at home, if the parents don't teach children and better, how will they know any better?

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Low-Calorie Vegetable Soup

on May 03, 2015: I love that you can add the veggies you desire and leave out the ones you don't.

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Viral Image Stirs Debate Over Whether Stores Should Use Super Skinny Mannequins

on Nov 09, 2014: Those mannequin are realistic and I know this because I am skinny I don't diet I don't exercise, I'm just naturally that way. I believe that stores should have mannikins in all different sizes and shapes displaying the same clothing. I don't look down on anyone for any size that they are. Women ha…