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My Reviews (22)

Greenies Dental Chews Mini-Me

Greenies De… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

Waggin' Train Chicken Jerky Tenders

Waggin' Tra… Rating

Your rating: 1.0

My Comments (3)

Commented on:

Big Tobacco Forced to Own Up In a Big Way

on Jan 14, 2013: I am also a former smoker, and I agree. However, I also think this is ridiculous. Consider alcohol. Its damage is more insidious and less obvious, but is anyone making them put themselves out of business? Drunk drivers also kill. Alcoholics do more terrible emotional damage to families, often…

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When Bullies Aren't Just On the Schoolyard

on Jan 14, 2013: I had a boss that was a bully to everyone in the company. He was a self-centered, spoiled rich kid who inherited the company and ruined it. He ended up being arrested and charged with fraud and a few other things, lost his 80-year-old family business (putting two younger siblings out of work, to…

Commented on:

Texas Mom Ordered To Stop Breastfeeding at the Mall

on Jan 14, 2013: If you are not showing nakedness, and this mother indicates she was discreetly covering the activity, then what is the problem? If she was hanging it all out like she was making some kind of statement, I might feel differently, but babies need to be fed and with discretion, no one should be offen…