People often think bullying only occurs in our schools and playgrounds, but as many would attest workplace bullying can have a severe impact on adults as well. A new study published in the journal BMJ brings to light just how common workplace bullying has become and how it occurs more often in women than men, but men may have a harder time coping with it.
ABC News reports about the study and how those who are bullied in the workplace are more likely to be on anti-depressants, sedatives, and sleeping pills as a way to cope with the conflicts at work. Out of the 6,000 participants, 1 in 8 men reported being a victim of bullying at work and 1 in 5 women report being victims. The bullied men were a little more likely than women to resort to medications to cope with the bullying suggesting that men may have a lower threshold for handling emotional problems.
Researchers involved in the study believe workplace bullying may be contribute to adults having long term mental illness. Dr. Nadine Kaslow, vice chair of psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, urges victims of workplace bullying to get help where they can and as soon as they can. Dr. Kaslow says, “There are employee assistance programs and wellness programs available to people. I would encourage people to take advantage of those. Get support — social support, self care, exercise, eat well — whatever it is, make connections with people at work.”
What do you think of the new study suggesting workplace bullying is fairly common and many adults turn to anti-depressants to cope?
Have you witnessed or experienced bullying in the workplace? Share your experiences here.
I had a boss that was a bully to everyone in the company. He was a self-centered, spoiled rich kid who inherited the company and ruined it. He ended up being arrested and charged with fraud and a few other things, lost his 80-year-old family business (putting two younger siblings out of work, too), and taking his wife and a couple of other employees down with him. Thank goodness I'd stood up to his bullying and gotten fired for it, eh? At the time, I didn't consider it a blessing, but now I do.