Here Comes the Bride: 4 Fun Themes for the Perfect Bridal Shower

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Apr 17, 2012

April is in full swing, which means it's the start of wedding season! Brides and grooms-to-be are starting to plan for their big day by registering for wedding gifts and frantically trying to fill in that last minute seating chart. If you’ve been put in charge of planning and organizing the bridal shower but are having a hard time coming up with a theme, we’ve got you covered, because we’re sharing some great ideas for themes that will make for the perfect party.
Planning for a bridal shower is an involved process, one that takes time and careful preparation. To help you get organized and start the planning process off right, check out this planning timeline and guide from
To be entered to win one of our giveaway prizes this week, simply submit a comment below sharing your bridal shower stories or create a review for a Home & Garden product that you think would make the perfect wedding gift. Better yet, do BOTH and get two chances to win!
Without further ado, here are our ideas for some great bridal shower party themes:
Music Era Shower: Plan the shower around a particular music era. For example, a party themed around the 40s could feature music from Harry James, Glen Miller, or Benny Goodman. You can have the guests dress up to match the era and decorate the venue with posters of musicians from that decade. For a party game, plan to sing some karaoke featuring songs that come only from the chosen era.
Reminiscing Shower: reminiscing showerHave the guests bring photos of themselves with the guest of honor along with a note about the picture or occasion. Combine all of these pictures and notes into a scrapbook at the party to present to the bride to be. You can decorate the party location with photographs of the bride and groom at different ages. As a party game, have all the guests go around and share their favorite memory of the guest of honor.
Dessert Shower: Ask every guest to bring a dessert to the party. You can set up blind taste tests as a party game and award prizes to the best overall or richest dessert. Try to set up a number of different categories so that there are many winners. For a fun party favor idea, hand out small gift baskets with different cookies wrapped in cellophane and tied with ribbons. For a wide selection of great dessert recipes, check out
Alphabet Shower:alphabet showerThis bridal shower theme starts with the invitations. Have each invite contain the letters of the bride to be’s name (first, middle, and last) and assign each guest a letter from her name. Instruct each guest to bring a gift that starts with their assigned letter and make sure that they write the letter on the wrapping so that it’s clearly visible. As guests arrive and gifts stack up, the gifts will begin to spell out the name of the bride to be. For a party snack, make sugar cookies and then ask each guest to write, in icing, a word that describes the guest of honor that starts with the letters in her name.
Now we’d like to hear from you! What was your bridal shower or wedding like? Did you ever attend a bridal shower that had an interesting theme? Have you ever planned for a bridal shower or been involved in a wedding party? To be entered to win one of our giveaway prizes this week, simply create a review for a Home & Garden product that you think would make the perfect wedding gift or submit a comment below sharing your bridal shower stories. Better yet, do BOTH and get two chances to win! Comments and reviews must be submitted by 6pm EST on April 23rd, 2012. Good luck!




woodcut scrapbook

Colorbok Antique Woodcut Scrapbook 12 by 12 Album
wine rack

Oceanstar 12-Bottle Bamboo Wine Rack
beverage jar

Artland Pedestal 1-2/3-Gallon Beverage Jar

The contest starts April 17th, 2012 and ends April 23rd, 2012 at 6pm EST. Must be a US resident. No purchase necessary. 


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aw5225 by aw5225 | Elysburg, PA
Apr 18, 2012

My sister and bridesmaids threw my bridal shower at a local restaurant that my family loves. It was incredibly special, especially since all of my family was there and it's very rare for all of us to be together. My wonderful sister actually made mini three tier cakes for every guest to take home, complete with tiny fondant flowers. She also created beautiful earrings for each guest. She put so much hard work and love into my shower, and a few years later put the same amount of effort into my lovely baby shower. Her boyfriend recently told me that he is planning to propose, so I can't wait to make her bridal shower just as special as she made mine.

Apr 18, 2012

My mom and sister-in-laws threw my bridal shower. It was a complete suprise. I got alot of stuff that I need for the house and had all my family and friends there. They play a purse game and some regular games. Nothing to big or expensive.

gloriarr by gloriarr | AUDUBON, PA
Apr 18, 2012

They almost didn't get me to my surprise bridal shower. My fiance kept using the excuse of dropping of the Usher's tie . I was dressed to go bowling and said he could do that some other time.. I gave him a very difficult time about it. Not sure how he finally got me to agree to stop there first, but it was a huge surprise. The hostess was so worried that I would never make it. She also later gave me a baby shower, but said that in no way would she even consider it being a surprise.

kalinak by kalinak | FORT MYERS, FL
Apr 18, 2012

My future DIL's shower was outstanding! Her name is Tiffany so the theme of the shower was the "Spirit of Tiffany's" We all wore our best little Black Dresses and her parents house was all decorated with Tiffany's memorabilia. Everything was black, white and teal with lots of jewels, beads, glitz and glamour. It was so well themed and a very special day for Tiffany.

nan2b1 by nan2b1 | Bellefonte, PA
Apr 18, 2012

At my daughter's shower we had a blast. We played the "gum game" and everybody laughed so hard. You bring lots of ask the groom ahead of time the list of questions. The object is to see how well the bride really knows the groom. Every question she missed she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth....well the questions were hard on purpose.....It was so funny to see her with a HUGE chunk of gum and still trying to talk!.....some people hate shower games, nobody at this shower was not enjoying themselves.

NAvery1 by NAvery1 | MOUNT MORRIS, MI
Apr 18, 2012

I went to a bridal shower last Spring and I think it was the most fun of them all. There was a 'Mexican theme' food, music. There were little dollar store gifts on all the tables for everyone who came. We played fun games like- 'who knows the bride the best', a favorite :)

Mbvolley21 by Mbvolley21 | SAINT PAUL, MN
Apr 18, 2012

My mom threw my bridal shower at her house. It was simple. We played the toilet paper wedding dress game and did bridal party bingo. Guests were family from both sides and friends. My favorite gift was from my aunts - it was a laundry basket with all sorts of games, kitchen gadgets and accessories... all of the gift, including the wrapping (laundry basket and dishtowel bows) was usable as well, and it was easy to carry! My favorite memory was that one of my friends got me an adult gift and we had to explain to one of my aunts what it was used for... priceless!

laroyal06 by laroyal06 | Johns Island, SC
Apr 18, 2012

Instead of having a shower, I asked people to donate to a few of my favorite charities.

betatester by betatester | HYATTSVILLE, MD
Apr 18, 2012

I went to a fun bridal shower where the host had us break into teams and create a wedding dress out of toilet paper. It was hilarious and a lot of fun!

amycristine by amycristine | SPRING, TX
Apr 18, 2012

I just threw a bridal shower for my future sister-in-law. I threw a brunch with several main course options, a few sweets and veggies. I rushed home on Friday to clean the house frantic I wouldn't be able to have everything done before Sat. morning came. Since it was a brunch, it was early. I got up as early as possible to cook and clean and get our family ready for guests. I was still pulling things out of the oven and sliding them on dishes when the guests arrived. Thank goodness the other bridesmaids arrived to help out. I was able to curl my hair and slap on make-up before people arrived. It was such a rush, but well worth it. A brunch means an early party, but everyone loved it because they had the rest of their Sat. open and it didn't cut their day or prevent them from making plans for afterward. Plus, I had all day to recouperate!

krystlbear by krystlbear | GREEN CV SPGS, FL
Apr 18, 2012

I didn't have a real shower. I had a cake and a few family members came over and we just huung out and ate.

pinknpretty2687 by pinknpretty2687 | PITTSBURGH, PA
Apr 18, 2012

I am having a little mermaid shower in a month sincebwe are getting matried on a boat and i love the movie. I live out of state though, so each guest will bring a special spice in lieu of a large gift!

jersharocks by jersharocks | EVANSVILLE, IN
Apr 18, 2012

My mom threw me the BEST bridal shower! It was a complete surprise. She swiped my phone and called my friends and my fiance's family members to invite them. On the day of the shower, she invited me to go to dinner at this fun little Mexican restaurant. When I showed up, the whole back room was FILLED with my friends and family and my fiance's family too. I was shocked but it was a lot of fun too. The best part was that my fiance got to stay and enjoy the fun too. =D

MoreGoodies123 by MoreGoodies123 | MOUNT LAUREL, NJ
Apr 18, 2012

Play MadLibs at the shower- you can make them up yourself to make them wedding-themed or a bit you know, risque'! ;) You can go around the room to let everyone give a word and then read it out loud. Almost always hilarious!

basilandcatnip by basilandcatnip | GARLAND, TX
Apr 17, 2012

While planning for my girlfriends wedding, original game plan was to send the couple to Hawaii for their honeymoon but soon found out it was less expensive to buy a package and send the whole bridal party than send just the bride and groom. Spent a week in Hawaii and a special evening at a luau to celebrate the couple.