Commented on:
Enter the StyleUnited: New View, New You Giveaway
on May 01, 2012:
i just joined. it looks very interesting. i am looking forward to exploring the site more!
Commented on:
The Famous Nude Pregnancy Pose: Still a Shocker?
on Mar 28, 2012:
i think it is a beautiful picture. pregnancy is a beautiful thing. and lets be honest - do you or your child really see more in this picture than you would at the beach? her hands and arms cover more than most bikinis do!
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When Diaper Duty Calls...
on Mar 26, 2012:
on a table in a restaurant?? heck no! in the middle of a store? no! that is gross. and it is not respectful to your little child. change them in a bathroom or go to a fitting room and shut the door. don't just plop down wherever for everyone to see. i have changed my child in my vehicle before at …