Though the Star Wars franchise definitely has its fair share of fangirls, it may be the next installment of the movie, Star Wars: Force Awakens, that attracts more girls than ever. With the help of a new female character that’s rumored to know her way around a land-speeder, experts believe we will see more girls attending the film and playing with the toys than ever.
The Chicago Tribune reports about the new character known as Rey that is sure to attract girls to the flick and sell a good number of toys to them as well. Rey, who is being played by young British actress Daisy Ridley, can be seen in the trailer doing some of the things we are used to seeing male Star Wars characters doing like wielding weapons and racing around in a land-speeder.
The addition of the new female character comes as no surprise as Disney is obviously happy to attract a whole other demographic to the film. We saw earlier in the year, women being introduced to the limited edition Star Wars cosmetic line as well as jewelry and purses. Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst Jessica Reif Cohen explains how the film franchise definitely knows what it’s doing. She says, “This is going to be massively financially successful. Literally everyone I know wants to see this movie, male or female.”
Rey toys and figurines are already a hot item in Disney stores and selling out fast, but parents are clamoring to find the heroine in stores like Target and Toys “R” US. A lot of the problem lies in the fact that Star Wars, when owned by LucasFilms, was mostly considered a boy movie and catered all toys to boy fans. Stores are just now wrapping their heads around how to rearrange toys to allow for the Rey figurines. Ken Nisch, chairman of JGA Inc., a retail design consultancy explains that when you add in the fact that many stores segregate ‘girl’ and ‘boy’ toy sections, it can be more difficult when franchises like Star Wars make an attempt to be more gender neutral.
What do you think of the new Star Wars character known as Rey? Do you think she will help attract more girls to the movie and toys?
Are you excited about the new Star Wars installment?