Want to Lose Weight? Make a Friendly Wager.

   By drodriguez  Apr 06, 2014

Everyone wants to be a healthy weight, but getting there may seem daunting. This is why finding an encouraging incentive can be key for many of us. Whether it’s fitting into a smaller dress size or gaining energy to play with our little ones, finding the right type of inspiration can speed the process of losing weight. Many people are finding a new kind of incentive by going online and opening their wallets to partake in a friendly weight loss wager.

NPR reported about the website DietBet that is gaining popularity among users who wish to lose weight and make a little money while they’re at it. Those who sign up on the website must also use a smartphone on their weight loss journey. One of the weight loss games offered is to lose four percent of your body weight in one month. At the beginning of the month everyone puts their money into a pool and those who meet their goal at the end of the month split to the loot. Those who weren’t able to lose all the weight forfeit their entry fee. The amount you bet is up to you, anywhere from $10 to $500.

Though social dieting may sound more like a fad, there is some evidence that betting money on weight loss may actually work for a lot of people. Dr. Tricia Leahey, a member of the DietBetter.com’s advisory board reveals why this type of incentive is beneficial to those trying to lose weight. She says, “We are finding that perhaps these financial incentives, by putting your money where your mouth is, plus having these social interactions and this ongoing support and friendly competition, which can actually be quite fun, does yield some pretty impressive weight losses.”

What do you think of some of the new social dieting apps?

Do you think placing bets on weight loss would be a good incentive to see progress?

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