Paying your way through college? Most wouldn’t consider working part-time at a fast food chain to be the best way to help pay for tuition, that is until Chipotle announced plans to offer employees tuition reimbursement.
Time reports about the tuition reimbursement program announced by Chipotle along with other perks you don’t normally hear coming from fast food employment. The burrito slinging chain is also offering all employees (including those who only work part-time) paid sick leave and vacation days starting next month.
Though not a lot of fast food chains offer such perks to employees, Chipotle is not the first. Last summer we reported about Starbucks' plan to offer free college tuition to employees. So why are these companies being so generous when by and large their competitors are not?
Offering these types of incentives will definitely help the company recruit high school and college age employees, which is the main demographic the restaurant looks for when hiring. On top of luring some of the top talent to work in their restaurants, Chipotle believes offering these benefits will help them keep their recruits longer than average fast food employees. Whether or not other fast food chains will join in on the trend of offering fairer wages, paid sick leave and college benefits is yet to be seen but there is little doubt that most young adults would welcome the change.
What do you think of the new perks offered to Chipotle workers?
Do you think more fast food chain should consider offering these types of incentives to their employees?
Offering College benefits to young employees is a wonderful way to hire intelligent help with a strong work ethic! A lot of college students are depending on student loans that will be very difficult to pay back, or may even take decades! This offers a great opportunity.