Enter the Thanks Mom Giveaway

   By SheSpeaksTeam  May 07, 2014

Mothers really do know best!

Somehow they always come up with the right thing to say or do & their guidance lasts a lifetime. That’s why we’re rounding up all of their best advice in our Thanks Mom Giveaway – where you can tell us about your Mom & enter to win a $100 American Express Gift Card!$PullQuote$

For most of us, it was Mom who urged us to “think before you speak” and explained that “actions speak louder than words” – but beyond the basics, we’d love to know a little bit more about what makes your Mom so special to you? Did you inherit some of her superhero qualities? Was there a time when her advice (either hilarious, practical or wise) made a lasting impact? 

 To enter, just comment below and you'll be eligible to win a $100 American Express Gift Card!


 Here is the exquisite "Baby Mine" from Dumbo, sung by Bette Midler.

 Happy Mother's Day to all of our SheSpeaks Moms!!


Baby of Mine


 *This giveaway is open through May 20th to US residents over 18 years of age

 Congratulations to our lucky winner, Tikkun!



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msfriendly by msfriendly | MONROE, WI
May 09, 2014

My Mom always told me to take care of myself and be healthy when you are younger because it will make a difference when you are older. Must be good advice. My wonderful Mom is 89 years old and hardly has any wrinkles!

janiea by janiea | JACKSON, GA
May 09, 2014

My mom is hard to get along with. She has become crippled, has lost two children only 8 months apart, suffers from depression and hardly leaves the house. My family has to do different things for her at different times. We just hope it gets better for all of us.

coolmomkg by coolmomkg | N VERSAILLES, PA
May 09, 2014

although my mom has earned her wings..she was the best mom ever....she taught me not to judge people and always look for the best in everyone....

GuessWho by GuessWho | PHILADELPHIA, PA
May 09, 2014

I miss my mom so much, but I cherish her words of wisdom and how she cared for me when I was sick. The night before she passed, she made me promise to take care of myself and get the surgery I needed. She passed away on April 10, 2000 and I did have my surgery a few months later. What she instilled in me has made me stronger today and I've passed it on to my daughter. I wish all mothers a very blessed and wonderful Mother's Day.

don538 by don538 | GRAND JCT, CO
May 09, 2014

My Mom is now in an assisted living facility with dementia. It is so sad to see the once strong and independent woman unable to remember things and not want to do things. Growing up she was so inventive with our school lunches that I really didn't want it to stop when we got to high school and there was a cafeteria to buy our lunch. Kids liked to come over to our house. Mom taught us how to play pinocle and we would have pinocle parties with fizzies. It is so sad to know that soon I will loose the only person that I really know loves me with all her heart.

littleneko by littleneko | City, MI
May 09, 2014

There's so many things my mother has taught me that I'm trying to live up to. She has always taught me in word and deed: kindness, loving God and others, integrity, mercy, and helping others. She also has urged me to be myself & to have confidence. I'm still working on so man of those things, but I am a better person because of my mother:)

khushboo by khushboo | Indianapolis, IN
May 09, 2014

However much we love our Mom, it can sometimes be hard to find the words to tell her just how much she means to us.I can Say this "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother".Thanks MOM to be there for me n for the love n support you have ever given to me.I will always there for u .I LOVE U MOM

preetymom by preetymom | Indianapolis, IN
May 09, 2014

?Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There's no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.? Happy Mothers Day To all Mothers ,I always Thank God for protecting each child by his/her MOM

bll1010 by bll1010 | PLYMOUTH, MI
May 09, 2014

My mom always stressed the Golden Rule - treat other people the way you'd like to be treated. I still think it's the rule to trump all others.

ccboobooy by ccboobooy | RALEIGH, NC
May 09, 2014

I don't always follow my mother's advice, but I do appreciate the life experiences that she's shared with me.

queenof5uys by queenof5uys | ORCHARD PARK, NY
May 09, 2014

My mom is the heart of our family, not only did she give us life, she's spent her lifetimes sustaining ours. She is the beat behind our family, the drummer we all want to follow. She is magic and love, she is beauty and grace, she is my mom and I'm blessed beyond words to have her spirit ingrained in who I am !

hsrewoh by hsrewoh | JOHNSON CITY, TN
May 09, 2014

My mother always taught me to "kill with kindness" and it is a very useful tool.

andrearicks31 by andrearicks31 | TULSA, OK
May 09, 2014

To Always Treat others the same as you expect to be treated.

beauty123 by beauty123 | FLUSHING, NY
May 09, 2014

Mommy, I still love to hug and kiss you even though I am turning 41 years old. I love you as always. xoxoxoxoxoxo

carters_ma by carters_ma | Hartford, WV
May 09, 2014

My mom has given me such great advice!! She has also lead a great example for me. We didn't have a great childhood and had very many struggles as a family, especially our house fire that burnt the house down! She had to start from scratch ,no insurance. She always states positive and taught us things can always be worse so be grateful for what you have. Even though we never have had much we always try to help others whether it be with our time or donating our belongings. I have learned to be a independent woman and nothing in life is free. She has taught me the importance of generosity towards others as well! She is a wonderful woman and I am very grateful for all that she has done and taught me ! Happy mothers day to all!