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Relax with these Spa DIYs
on Aug 07, 2020:
My husband and I did a spa day recently. I got some masks to try out, one was a foot mask which he despretely needed lol. I am doing a week of masks to replenish, smooth and help my skin fight the acne and bad bacteria. I also recently purchased a In Shower Back Scrubber to help exfoilate my skin.…
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Summer Weather Skincare Tips
on Jul 22, 2020:
I don't have much of a summer skincare routine right now but I hope that changes in the future when I find more products suitable for me. As of right now, I like to add spf into my normal routine in my moiturizer usually. I also tend to not wear so much makeup during the summer because I sweat…
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Last Minute Father's Day Ideas
on Jun 18, 2020:
I don't think my husband rrally wants anything because he's not materalistic and he's told me all he wants is to be at home with the family. Just us and the kids together and a day of movies, relaxtion and playtime.