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My Reviews (6)

Pampered Chef Mini Spatula

Pampered Ch… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

Dawn Hand Renewal with Olay Beauty

Dawn Hand R… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

My Comments (4)

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5 Things NOT to Do At a Party. Plus Enter to Win an Amazon Echo (valued at $179.99)!

on Jun 08, 2016: I always bring something with me for the host/hostess. Whether it is a bottle of wine or a Christmas ornament for the season. It's little touches like that that make people feel special.

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#12DaysOfSheSpeaks Day 7: Win a Fitbit

on Dec 14, 2015: My favorite way to exercise is a planet fitness. I feel that actually getting out of the house and in a gym atmosphere is the bet motivation.

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Enter the #FebrezeFall Giveaway For A Chance To Win A $50 @Walmart Gift Card

on Sep 10, 2014: The scents that remind me of fall are apple pie, pumpkin spice and cranberry. My favorite time of the year. Football season, back to school and bonfires oh my. I change my table and mantel decorations. I also have an easel chalkboard which I change for each season. Pinterest and I are best friend…