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My Reviews (9)

Güd Natural Conditioner, Vanilla Flame

Güd Natural… Rating

Your rating: 4

Physicians Formula Organic Wear Mascara

Physicians … Rating

Your rating: 5

My Comments (7)

Commented on:

#SheSpeaksAtHome: Win 2 Philips Pasta Makers, 1 for you & 1 for a friend ($300 total value!)

on May 07, 2020: Im making spaghetti cabonara with zucchini noodles and salad. Would love to have this pasta maker instead of my handheld spiralizer. My wrist is killing me!

Commented on:

3 Chances to Win a Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush ($190 value!)

on May 07, 2020: I am currently having a hair spa day (aka washing and deep conditioning my hair) sipping on some Cab sav and watching housewives of NY! Best evening everrr!

Commented on:

12 Days of SheSpeaks, Day 12: Win AirPods!

on Dec 19, 2019:

I'm most excited about traveling to meet my boyfriends family! It's bittersweet as it's my first Christmas in 34 years I've missed Christmas with my family but super excited to be in the snow and finally meet his full family! Super excited