Relax & Share to Win One of 5 Cool Gadgets

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 05, 2011

Who says a time out should only be for children?

Jokes aside, a few minutes a day to disconnect and clear our minds is priceless. The opportunity to take a few breaths, relax our shoulders and just sit still can be exactly what we need to recharge and finish the day with excitement and a smile on our face.

It's easier said than done, we know! Crazy schedules, friends, children, spouses, and not to mention today's technology almost always keeps you connected to something or someone. But the benefits of finding that time, even just for a few minutes, can make you feel like a whole new person, like your old self again, maybe even like superwoman.

Research has shown (and supporters can attest) that a little time and effort can go a long way. Practicing yoga, stretching, meditating and running a nice bubble bath are just a few methods of how we can disconnect, and relax. But you, our members, are really the experts. You're the multi-tasking gurus. You're the working professional, stay-at-home mom and party planner all wrapped into one and you do it day after day.

So we want to know, how do you do it  ALL and still find time to disconnect? How do you find a few minutes a day or every couple of days for "Me Time" to rejuvenate your mind and body? Do you have help, set the calendar, or stick to a routine or are you self-aware and just know when it's time to retreat on your own.  Do you find it's easy to put down your cell phone or does someone else unravel your fingers from the keyboard? 

Share your experience with us by posting how you disconnect and how you reflect, and you'll be entered to Win 1 of 5 cool relaxation gadgets.  While many relaxation methods can be done with only a few minutes of peace and quiet, we wanted to compile some cool gadgets to help inspire you to find those few minutes a day for yourself.

The contest starts Wednesday, October 5th and ends Monday, October 10th at midnight EST. There will be 5 lucky winners with one winner receiving the grand prize, the Sharper Image Foot Massager, valued at over $50.

Here are the prizes:

Sharper Image foot massager ($50 value)

Aromatherapy Vaporizer with Oil ($40 value)

Conair Foot bath with bubbles and heat ($20 value)


2 Motorized Scalp Massagers ($12 value each)


Good luck!

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mglass88 by mglass88 | El Dorado, CA
Oct 05, 2011

I love to give my self a pedicure. While my feet soak in one of my big metal bowls, I read a book or a magazine. Then I give myself a message with a lotion that smells wonderful.

apreisen by apreisen | Pittsburgh, PA
Oct 05, 2011

After everything is done for the day, the kitchen is clean and closed for the night, everything is prepped and ready for the next morning - I like to sit down with a cup of herbal tea and relax, usually with at least one if not two of my cats on my lap. When its bedtime I pop on the headphones and relax to some soothing music and /or binaural beats. Puts me to sleep in no time!

southflgirl by southflgirl | Coral Springs, FL
Oct 05, 2011

When iIget home from work, I put on my swimsuit and warm up in the sunshine. I think the warmth of the sun somehow revives me. If it's warm enough, I go for a quick swim which takes my mind off of the stress of the day.

twostellas by twostellas | RALEIGH, NC
Oct 05, 2011

Maybe it's odd, but I think giving your significant other a massage is as much a relaxing thing for you as it is for them! It doesn't have to be an hour long massage type-thing, even just a short foot or hand/arm massage is a relaxing process. And don't worry about if you are on a professional level or if you're doing it right, trust me, you are, especially if you feel a relaxation from the massage as well. Do what feels right to you, and gauranteed the will love it! If you're 'in the zone', they will be too. :)

songonza by songonza | Brooklyn, NY
Oct 05, 2011

I'm a graduate student, consultant working about 3/4 time, and researcher - so my plate is very full. I find it relaxing to go for a $30 tui na massage in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. This is something my partner/husband and I discovered years ago and boy does it make a difference in that tense shoulder where all my stress seems to go.

jessizinny by jessizinny | Gloversville, NY
Oct 05, 2011

It's usually at the end of the day after everyone goes to bed. I like to get out my nail polish and manicure goodies and give my nails a pretty new coat of polish while I run my favorite shoes on DVR. I also enjoy curling up with a good book in the quiet while I sip on a cup of herbal tea with honey.

ladylily by ladylily | Deer Creek, MN
Oct 05, 2011

I have two: losing myself in a book for a bit before bed and going to kickboxing classes!

ssutton by ssutton | Eldora, NJ
Oct 05, 2011

I have 2 favorite ways to relax after a hectic day. They both involve spending time with my animals. If cleaning out the horse stalls and getting to spend quiet time with my 3 horses doesn't do it, then a game of fetch and a nice walk with my two dogs will. Something about the quiet acceptance of my four legged friends that clears my mind and helps me relax. They don't judge or give me a hard time they just enjoy being in my company, and I in theirs.

mich1l by mich1l | KEY LARGO, FL
Oct 05, 2011

We live across the street from a park, one of my favorite ways to unwind & disconnect is to sit on my front porch and listen to the "sound of the park" Nothing is better then listening to children laughing on the swings, the birds singing, or the sound of a football game to help me relax after a hard day.

barbie1 by barbie1 | COLUMBUS, NE
Oct 05, 2011

After I know my youngest is in bed, and my two older ones are done with homework and lights are out, I sit down to the DVR and watch a comedy. There is nothing like a Comedy...Modern Family, for example, to destress your day. Laughing does the body good.

Auburn by Auburn | Muscatine, IA
Oct 05, 2011

Since my "job" (full time homemaker) doesn't end until I go to bed (if things are calm!) I get most of my relaxation time after 7:30. I put my son to bed and then watch my favorite shows on tv. It's nice to be able to have an indulgent treat as well, since my son isn't there to want some at that time! :)

jtplank by jtplank | OWASSO, OK
Oct 05, 2011

When I'm finally able to get into bed each night, I simply prop my pillow up against the headboard of the bed. With the lamp table on low, I simply sit and think for a short while, then know that tomorrow is another day, but for those few minutes I let it all 'drift away' and relax knowing that for the timebeing, I will be able to sleep and enjoy the 'resting' reprieve that I have for the nighttime hours.

mailletn by mailletn | Hudson, MA
Oct 05, 2011

During a very stressful time of my life with work and home life getting overwhelming, an unexpected wrong turn took me to a class on using mediation to unwind. It was a simple 15 minute class that has changed my life. I simple focus on relaxing starting with my toes and working my way up my body, I never seem to make it past my knees, before I am napping!

myshell24 by myshell24 | JACKSON, MO
Oct 05, 2011

I like to grab a good book to read, sit outside and soak up the end of the day sunshine.

andreah1 by andreah1 | Ilion, NY
Oct 05, 2011

There is nothing better than reading a book (at least for me). I usually light a scented candle in the bedroom and hog the bed all to myself for a 1/2 hour or more. I just lie there and read and if thoughts start clogging my mind I let a few of them in, try to work them out then go back to reading until I feel completely relaxed. Most of the time I fall asleep!