Relax & Share to Win One of 5 Cool Gadgets

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 05, 2011

Who says a time out should only be for children?

Jokes aside, a few minutes a day to disconnect and clear our minds is priceless. The opportunity to take a few breaths, relax our shoulders and just sit still can be exactly what we need to recharge and finish the day with excitement and a smile on our face.

It's easier said than done, we know! Crazy schedules, friends, children, spouses, and not to mention today's technology almost always keeps you connected to something or someone. But the benefits of finding that time, even just for a few minutes, can make you feel like a whole new person, like your old self again, maybe even like superwoman.

Research has shown (and supporters can attest) that a little time and effort can go a long way. Practicing yoga, stretching, meditating and running a nice bubble bath are just a few methods of how we can disconnect, and relax. But you, our members, are really the experts. You're the multi-tasking gurus. You're the working professional, stay-at-home mom and party planner all wrapped into one and you do it day after day.

So we want to know, how do you do it  ALL and still find time to disconnect? How do you find a few minutes a day or every couple of days for "Me Time" to rejuvenate your mind and body? Do you have help, set the calendar, or stick to a routine or are you self-aware and just know when it's time to retreat on your own.  Do you find it's easy to put down your cell phone or does someone else unravel your fingers from the keyboard? 

Share your experience with us by posting how you disconnect and how you reflect, and you'll be entered to Win 1 of 5 cool relaxation gadgets.  While many relaxation methods can be done with only a few minutes of peace and quiet, we wanted to compile some cool gadgets to help inspire you to find those few minutes a day for yourself.

The contest starts Wednesday, October 5th and ends Monday, October 10th at midnight EST. There will be 5 lucky winners with one winner receiving the grand prize, the Sharper Image Foot Massager, valued at over $50.

Here are the prizes:

Sharper Image foot massager ($50 value)

Aromatherapy Vaporizer with Oil ($40 value)

Conair Foot bath with bubbles and heat ($20 value)


2 Motorized Scalp Massagers ($12 value each)


Good luck!

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TheChicky by TheChicky | Fairland, IN
Oct 05, 2011

When things get too hectic at work and I will go outside and walk around. There is a scenic area near my office and it's peaceful to walk there away from everyone. After 15-20 minutes of that, I'm ready to tackle the rest of the day!

orianasmom by orianasmom | Indianapolis, IN
Oct 05, 2011

I love to relax at the end of a long day by taking a good long soak in the tub. It is probably my favorite thing in the world. I fill the tub up with water as hot as I can stand it and add a few droppers full of my favorite essential oil (Bath & Body Works Chamomile Neroli). For a really extra special treat I'll add a glass of wine and a good book to the mix. Everyone knows that's my me time and they better not disturb me unless someone is bleeding to

crodetsky by crodetsky | belleair bch, FL
Oct 05, 2011

I enjoy a glass of wine each night after all the kids are in bed and watch my shows.

kchamber2 by kchamber2 | MEDFORD, MA
Oct 05, 2011

I love hot yoga to relax and loosen up my muscles, but I can't do that every night. So every night I crawl into bed with a good book or I play a little solitaire. It really relaxes me before bed!!

melissa71181 by melissa71181 | CUDAHY, WI
Oct 05, 2011

I relax by grabbing my Cerra packages. I love to drink tea and just do nothing but listen to peaceful music.

elainecad by elainecad | Cedar Lake, IN
Oct 05, 2011

I try to find a little time to relax each day. Most of the time that is pretty hard to do. If I can, I take 5 minutes and deep breathe. Breathe in through my nose and then exhale out of my mouth. I also rely on aromatherapy products. They have been my saving grace. I use them when I have doctor appointments to keep me calm. I also apply them at night before bedtime. I breathe in the aromatic scents and they really seem to help me get a good nights sleep!

Yarnsafety by Yarnsafety | Centereach, NY
Oct 05, 2011

I like to crochet to unwind. The repetitive stitches helps to put my thoughts in back in order and I have to concentrate just enough which forces the crazy thought out of my head. I also crochet for charity, so it helps remind me "but for the grace of God...."

rosepowell by rosepowell | FREDERICKSBRG, VA
Oct 05, 2011

I get up early in the morning before anyone else is downstairs, I turn on the TV and hit channel 1831, this is the "on demand" channel for exercise, I pick a workout, hit the download button and wait, then once it's downloaded, I workout, there are different ones to choose from, so it's keeps it interesting. Exercising daily for me is relaxing and refreshing, I have more energy throughout the day and I don't feel too much like a "crabby patty". In conjunction, t, I stay up a little later than the rest of my family and have myself a warm cup of tea, it calms me down, settles me and puts my body in unwind mode, just in time for bed. This really works!

jdrysch by jdrysch | CHICAGO, IL
Oct 05, 2011

When we are all so addicted to being "connected" all the time it's tough to disconnect, relax and unwind. I build in 30 minutes in my morning routine, after everyone is out of the house, to retreat on my own either with a Glamour magazine, a good book, or to play the piano. The first 5-10 minutes can be tough but once I get into it evrything else melts away.

Jackie9641 by Jackie9641 | GRAYSLAKE, IL
Oct 05, 2011

Swimming laps. It's the most meditative thing I've ever done! All you end up zoning in on is your breathing, the slosh of the water, and your thoughts. I tell people, "If you see me at the pool, I have my glasses off, my earplugs in, and am in a zone -- don't be offended if I don't notice you!!!"

tamiootz by tamiootz | Tallahassee, FL
Oct 05, 2011

My favorite relaxation technique is getting a glass of wine, grabbing a good book and then slipping into a nice long bubble bath without any interruptions, just me my wine and my book. It's heaven!

tara523 by tara523 | BROOKFIELD, CT
Oct 05, 2011

After a long day at work, I take all the backroads home. It may take twice as long but driving through all the small towns, seeing kids playing outside and marvelling at the leaves as they are changing color is a thousand times more relaxing than sitting on the highway, staring at pavement and getting aggravated by people who weave in and out of traffic

saintbernardpup by saintbernardpup | MARION, IA
Oct 05, 2011

I like to lay on my patio chair in the backyard in the sunshine while my son plays in his sandbox or blows bubbles. Then he can have fun while I am relaxing!

christyl11 by christyl11 | CANTON, MI
Oct 05, 2011

I unwind at the end of the day with a cup of hot relaxes me and allows me to get a great quality night's sleep!!

hscottage by hscottage | MASON, OH
Oct 05, 2011

I just like to sit back and read a book with a cup of hot tea after a nice long shower.