Post a Reboot-Your-Body Tip & Win Workout Gear

   By SheSpeaks_Team  Sep 22, 2011

Where does the time go! Summer is over, school is back in session and the holidays are quickly approaching.

For many (if not all) of us, time passes way too quickly and we can easily put our jobs and our families ahead of our own health and peace of mind.

We're not saying ignore the kids, let your spouse fend for himself, or start slacking off at work. But, we want to make sure you're also making some time for yourself and that you don't leave it to January 2012. Fall is a perfect time to reboot, the weather is cooler for an outdoor jog or stroll and it’s easy to picture your renewed, fitter self in a few months, at a holiday party or family gathering.

So let's start today!

We all know it’s not just about diet. When was the last time you got a good night's sleep? Had a great workout? Or got a massage? Do you have an endless To-Do list that’s keeping you from taking a walk? Do you want to try yoga, boxing or P90X?

Well this week, SheSpeaks wants to help give you some tips and a friendly boost to Reboot Your Body. And, we're enlisting the SheSpeaks community to help with their collective wisdom and cheerful advice. So, we're asking each of you to share your tip, your words of wisdom, whatever you've learned along the way that has helped you and might help someone else!

Comment on this blog post below with your words of wisdom and enter to WIN one of the  items below that will help you Reboot Your Body Today! The contest starts Thursday, September 22nd and ends midnight EST Tuesday, September 27th.

Here’s a tip from a member of the SheSpeaks team:

If you’re looking to lose weight, the “My Fitness Pal” app on the iPhone is ridiculously helpful. You enter how much you weigh now, how much you want to weigh and it will tell you how many calories you can intake a day and track it. Enter everything you eat each day (as specific as the Cosi signature salad) and whatever exercise you do and it will tell you how many calories you ate, how many you have left (if any) and exactly how much you would weigh in 5 weeks if you keep doing what you’re doing. It’s a great way to know exactly where the weight is coming from and how to lose it!

And these are the prizes!

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD System (over $50)

Gaiam Total Body Balance Ball Kit


Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer



YogaAccessories 1/4” Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat


Good Luck!



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courtneynew by courtneynew | HARTFORD CITY, IN
Sep 25, 2011

Cooler weather makes me want to work out even more. Its not to hot and not too cold outside. Taking walks by myself helps me relax and feel better.

swt_nurs1 by swt_nurs1 | Shippensburg, PA
Sep 25, 2011

I think u need to reboot at least once a week. I go into the bathroom lock the door and relax in the tub with encouraging music. I also don't put junk food in my house. We go out for treats like ice cream ect, occasionally so we don't over indulge, Alo plenty of exercise.

Tifflonn by Tifflonn | SAN PABLO, CA
Sep 25, 2011

I recently began taking walks during lunch. That's the only way that I can squeeze exercise into my day and doing this also encourages me to eat healthy throughout the day so when in doubt, walk! It's simple and seems like it won't make much difference but trust me that it's better than sitting around doing nothing. We all have to start somewhere so start right now by taking a short walk. Log off and do you will feel alot better about yourself before bed.

socialwork4kids by socialwork4kids | ELDRIDGE, IA
Sep 25, 2011

I discovered that the only way I can stick with a workout program is to join a group. I joined a new 8 wk. challenge (and ended up signing up for a year!) in our area. Check out your YMCAs or other programs for options!

miiraclle by miiraclle | Newton, NJ
Sep 25, 2011

I've recently lost 45lbs by eating a low carb diet and following the Couch to 5K running plan. I love being able to run for 30 minutes or more and accomplishing that in a few weeks time! You CAN do it!!

abresin by abresin | OCEANSIDE, NY
Sep 25, 2011

Groupon and Living social have get low cost deals on fitness activities such as unlimited hot yoga for $30 for 30 days.... Or 10 Kickboxing classes for $25.... Deals are different everyday and gives you an oppertunity to try new things!!

babypmb by babypmb | Lafayette, LA
Sep 25, 2011

It's when I run. It clears my mind and I feel good. I started out walking and then jogging, now a few of us at work are training for a 10K!

kokomojo by kokomojo | Winston, OR
Sep 25, 2011

I find the best way to "stop the world" for a bit and file away all the stresses going on in my brain is to get outside - away from cars and barking dogs and phones and too many people. There's an area not too far from here called Wildwood. There are trails that are maintained that go from trees to grass to a river -- all within a very comfortable distance. The trees are amazing. The sound of the river soothes my soul and allows me to stop and think of only the beauty around me. After an hour or so of walking and contemplating, I'm ready to head back to the city and tackle whatever comes my way.

inthelou by inthelou | Saint Louis, MO
Sep 25, 2011

Everyday I try to set aside some me time. After work I usually try to spend 30 to 60 minutes doing some physical activity such as biking or walking. That always makes me feel better about myself. Then at night before bed I take a little time for myself. I read or do a hobby to relax myself. Just a little time for yourself each day can keep you happy and energized to do all of the other things you need to for everyone else.

bloubeck by bloubeck | KANSAS, OK
Sep 25, 2011

Get plenty of rest at least 7 hours a night and drink plenty of water.

jab197 by jab197 | west newton, PA
Sep 25, 2011

The best tips to help you lose weight are the tips that help keep us overall healthy. Skip the all nighters and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and begin big meals with a salad to help us fill up quicker so we don't overload on calories. Also, chew slowly. Our stomachs do not recognize that we are full until 20 minutes after our first bite. try to fill up half the plate with fruits and vegetables. Lastly, it is always a good idea to keep a food journal so that we are accountable for everything we put into our bodies. Good luck!

ericadagley by ericadagley | New York, NY
Sep 25, 2011

Learning to read and pay attention to food labels has helped me the most. Now I pay attention what the serves sizes is, calories and ingredients of everything I purchase and eat. Its helped me eat less and pick better brands (limited/natural ingredients) of the things I like.

danibits by danibits | Collegeville, PA
Sep 25, 2011

To reboot...I walk my dog! There is a reason why they say a dog is man's/ woman's best friend. I look forward to my 4-legged friend greeting me when I get home from work, as if she's meeting me for the first time all over again! When she sees me put my sneakers on, she spins in circles in excitement, waiting to begin our walk. Nothing else can compare :)

gum1drop by gum1drop | LAS VEGAS, NV
Sep 25, 2011

To reboot and feel healthy, I keep vegetables already cut up in the refrigerator. This way, when I get the munchies, I just reach for cut up carrot sticks or celery sticks, and can feel good about myself.

candygirl by candygirl | CHARLESTON, SC
Sep 25, 2011

To reboot my body ,I have restarted my 5 mile walk in the morning with my neighbor before going to work ,take the stairs to work and have started attending a Zumba class after work and weekends. " Now if I can only wean myself from those Jelly Belly's jelly beans I'll be good to go:))