Blogs and Articles by SheSpeaksTeam

The show's announcement that it will be replacing Elisabeth Hasselbeck with Jenny McCarthy stirs controversy amongst thos…

Join us on Tuesday July 30 at 9pm ET at the IAMS #SoGood Twitter Party. 2-time gold medalist and World Champion gymnast …

A new study finds higher achievers tend to react with more jealousy over their partner's flirty Facebook interactions

It's not surprising to hear that people stormed their local markets after news broke that Hostess Brands, LLC, the new ow…

The Soccket ball is able to harness enough energy with just a half an hour of play to power a light bulb for three hours.

Though it's tempting to give your kids a little leeway on the bedtime routine during the summer, new research suggests we…

The interview clip features Hoffman getting all teary eyed while questioning the idea of what makes women beautiful and d…

Want to learn the secret to strong, beautiful hair? Join us Thursday August 1st at 9pm ET at the L'Oréal Paris #AdvancedH…