For those of us that have our manis and pedis on hold in an effort to save some dough may be packing it all in and heading to the spa next week. An annual event called Spa Week makes it possible for people to spend the day at the spa more affordably. Spas will be offering their treatments at a deeply discounted price of just $50 a service starting October 11th and running until the 17th. is a website designed to inform you of all the services the spas in your area will have to offer at the $50 price this spa week. You can register on the website for free and just type in your zipcode to find out the treatments your spas will be offering at the promotional price.
Your spa may offer treatments that usually cost double and sometime triple the cost of how much it will be on spa week, like an hour long hot and cold stone massage, a 75 minute seaweed wrap and body scrub, hour long facials, etc. You could be spending the whole day at the spa next week without breaking the bank.
What do you think of Spa Week?
Do you plan on taking advantage of the spa discounts next week?
That is a great. we were just checking out prices for spas today for christmas presents
Even with the deals, I still can't afford it.
I can get good deals in my area, DFW, using coupons etc. I dont have to wait for spa week!
Wish things weren't as tight, financially, or I'd take advantage of this too! :(
I have been hooked on spa week for about five years now. They now offer it twice a year, and many spas extend it for an additional week. It offers an amazing "Sample" of the spa's products, which is nice when many have so much to offer!
I wish I had to time to get away!!
I NEED a massage, wasn't I just thinking of this two minutes ago when I ran after my 1 1/2 year old so he wouldn't bonk his head.
I actually just purchased a hot stone massage for one hour for 55.00 but it wasn't for spa week. It was a special discount offered thru If I hadn't done that already, I would have checked this out!
Although i love the idea of Spa Week, I don't think I've ever seen discounts for my favorite local spa :(.
it's for good cause,but the discount is not enough for me to go for a spa:( i wish it were more..!
maybe for $25, but that is too much for me to spend on non-necessities right now
I am a little tight on money right now after trying to pay off the final installments to my student loans and finally starting to save up. though this offer sounds like such a treat to myself after such a long days work and finally being debt free. At such a time, a little extra money in my pocket is worth saving for my future. :( sorry spa day...but i will have to pass.
It sounds really nice, I still don't have extra money like that though :(
I love spa week!!!
Oooh, this is great! Wish people were more aware of this week!