RSVP to be eligible for the door prize by commenting on this post with your Twitter handle (Ex. @SheSpeaksUp)!
The Twitter Party Details
When: Wednesday, March 25th at 2pm ET
Where: Twitter - follow hashtag #BountyatWalmart
Brand: @Bounty
Panelists: @lisasamples, @zipporahs, @CrissyBeam, @TonyaStaab, @MomDot, @MommyMusings, @awakeningaimee
Twitter Party Topics:
Bounty with Dawn is a specially designed 2-in-1 product that combines an ultra-durable Bounty paper towel with grease-fighting power of Dawn dish soap when activated with water. We’ll be chatting about messy meals, our favorite recipes and tips for keeping a clean kitchen. We’ll also be talking about how you can pick up the new Bounty with Dawn for everyday low prices at Walmart.
Twitter Party Prizes*:
We’ll be giving away over $1,000 in Walmart Gift Cards and Bounty with Dawn!
To get started, click here to Tweet:
"Join me at the #BountyatWalmart Twitter Party w/ @SheSpeaksUp 3/25 at 2pm ET"
New to Twitter Parties?
No problem. Check out our Twitter Party tips and hints. Then get ready to jump into the conversation!
Be sure to RSVP for the party by commenting on this blog post with your Twitter handle.
*Door prize winner must have RSVP-ed via comments below and be participating in the discussion to win. Participants must be following @SheSpeaksUp on Twitter to be eligible to win. Open to United States residents only. One prize allowed per winner. No purchase necessary. Twitter Party prize winners must complete a form with mailing details within 48 hours of the party. The form will be DMed if you win a prize.
RSVP @TweetieBird43
RSVP @joti67
RSVP @LilMamiBlessed
RSVP. @TerriSepter
RSVP @NightWolf110
RSVP @Janellcp
RSVP @dits21
RSVP @FrankiedaPug
rsvp @iwantcoffeeasap
Can't remember if I RSVP'd. @christinlilly