Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream

Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream

              Rated #35 in Diapers & Diapering
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7 Reviews 4.3/5 stars
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My daughter has had eczema since she was only a few months old. I have tried several creams and ointments, some of which would work a little. When she had this last breakout of eczema (worse case yet... red, raw skin), I decided to look for something else... I found Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream! I applied it immediately... by the next morning it was already looking better and within a few days it was gone!

I love this stuff. I have a 10 week old that broke out with ezcema very bad about 3 weeks old and started using this and it worked pretty much over night. I also have a 2 yr old with the same problem and I use it on the bends on his arms and ears and under his eyes and it helps alot. My only complaint is that it is greasy but , whatever helps.

Used this on my daughter's eczema and it worked very well for her. Don't really remember finding anything else like this product without a prescription, so not only was it convenient but affordable :)

I love it!!! My son is 8 months old and has eczema. He is sensitive to everything! This works quick and is effective!!

I have 5 kids and they all have egzema. I have tried everything with no luck but I found this and it works great.

It is ok if the ezcema is not bad. However, if your baby has a real case and not just really dry skin, you need a prescription!

All my girls have eczema and have had it since they were teeny tiny and honestly I didn't think this product worked for them at all. In fact it seemed to irritate it more because I had to pretty much "grind" it in their skin to get it completely rubbed in. It was overpriced too. I stuck to Eucerin cream which proved not only way more effective but cheaper than this product in the long run as well.