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Children and Cellphones
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on Jan 03, 2016 (Read 6381 times | Comments: 30)
What age should a child be considered old enough to hae a cellphone?

on Jan 03, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think 15 or 16 is an appropriate age

on Feb 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I feel like 16 is the best age, yet it may depend on the maturity of the child themselves as well as the conditions like are they often not home and need checked on regularly? Right now my oldest will be 13 next month and I have no intention to buy her a cell phone because she rarely leaves the house so there is no reason for one.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Who am I to say what an appropriate age for a cell phone is? Many children mature at different ages. What works for my family won't necessarily work for another. My daughters ages 13(soon to be 14) and 11 are VERY mature for their age. I have brought them up to take care of everything they have. They know I work hard for everything and they know the worth of a dollar. With that being said they both have cell phones because they attend different schools and have to walk home at different times. Also, I let them go out with friends and I want the piece of mind that they could get a hold of me and vice versa if and when needed. My girls have excellent grades and obey all rules. I say whenever a parent believes that their child can handle the responsibilities of owning a cell phone it is that parents decision.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

When they are old enough to pay for it and the monthly service. Usually 16 or later. Also, younger kids have no need for a smartphone, a feature phone is just fine.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

15-16 depending on need/maturity.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

i thank it should be around 14 or 15 as the phone isnt ment for younfg kids they need imagetion and not cell phone

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't have kids, but if I did, once they were 18 and had a job and could pay for it themselves. I don't think kids have any need for phones. At 42, I have never had a cell phone because I see no need for it so why would I pay for one for my kid?

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son is 11 and uses a Tracfone smartphone. I have it locked down so he can only call me or use the mp3 player feature. He knows that if he goes to school or a friends house then he needs to take it. The main reason for him having a phone is so that if something happens either to or from school then he has a way to call me. When he is able to pay for his own phone he can either continue with the phone he has and I take the parental control app off or he can buy his own service and phone from another company.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think it depends on the child and their level of maturity, as well as the needs of the families. I know some parents that have to leave their children home after school to either walk home alone or be at home by themselves for a period of time and I think a cell phone is appropriate for safety. With that being said I also feel that when a child is more independent (ie in a lot of activities of has many interests or a job) then they definitely need one, what age that is varies from family to family.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think the best age is when they are about 12 and this is where they can use a basic cell phone service. Once they are about 14 then they can have a smart phone.
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