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Children and Cellphones
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on Jan 03, 2016 (Read 6384 times | Comments: 30)
What age should a child be considered old enough to hae a cellphone?

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

So glad cell phones didn't exist when I was a kid. Once I left the house, I didn't want my parents to be able to contact me. I'm amazed kids today want their parents watching their every move and don't want to be independent. Also surprised so many parents don't want to raise independent children.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well, my three year old daughter, 8 year old son, 9 year old daughter, 11 year old son and my 16 year old daughter all have phones. With the new smart technology, why shouldn't they? My three year old daughter have learned so much from exploration of cellular phones it's pathetic. I feel the only way it's not as appropriate for them to not have one is the lack of parental guidance of the usage. Smartphones has features to where you can block or lock down the device. It's up to the parents to release these features to them that could be harmful. I feel there is no right or wrong answer here. As stated before; it would become another responsibility for the parents to take the necessary precautions to help minimize risks.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was 16 when I got my first cellphone back in the Nokia days because I was driving and doing several after school programs! I don't think really young kids should have one because there is no need for it since they are at school, home, or with you all times of the day!

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I believe they should be 15 or 16, unless the parent is a bust parent and multitasks often during the day and they don't get off work right at the time the child is out of school. In that case, The child should get a cell phone at 10 years old or 11. They need to be able to contact someone if they get stuck after school or if they need a ride from a friends house who lives a long way from their home. If they ride the city bus or walk home and a weird person is following them or something. Children don't need a phone if they have prompt parents or they don't walk to school or ride public transportation.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

They need to be at least 13 but then again it depends on the family's lifestyle and the child's maturity level. If its this young it def should not be a smartphone.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Personally, I don't believe anyone younger than around 16 'needs' a phone - once a child is old enough to drive and accepts the responsibility of not using it while driving, then I believe it is needed - in case the car breaks down, etc. Too many young kids are not learning how to really, really "communicate" face-to-face with other humans and I believe that cell phones are a huge contributor to that. Maturity would be a huge factor to consider as well, but I just think that our youth needs to learn how to be sociable without using their thumbs to do so. I know there are exceptions to everything: latch-key kids might need a phone to be able to contact a parent, etc. But I honestly think that too many kids are depending on their cell phones for entertainment instead of getting outside with other kids. Human interaction is going by the wayside in some families, and I just don't think that's a good thing.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree.

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »


on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

16 sounds like a good age

on Feb 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do not have any children but I would say age 15/16. I think 10 is way too young
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