Didn't Win the Powerball Jackpot? Here's Your Second Chance at Dough!

    by   SheSpeaksTeam   

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Jan 14, 2016

Last night's Powerball jackpot reached over $1.5 billion and there were three big winners. Were you one of them? If not, here's your second chance to win some dough, though this dough is of the cookie variety.

You could win one of five gift boxes of five cookie dough flavors: Chocolate Chip Off The Ol' Block, Birthday Bash, Cookies N' Dream, S'More Please and Snicker-Dude!

There are two ways to enter:

Simply comment below to answer the question - What is your dream cookie dough flavor (real or imagined)?


Tweet about the giveaway!

Click here to Tweet: "I didn't win Powerball but I'm entering to win a cookie #doughgiveaway from @SheSpeaksUp! bit.ly/1l6Wnqe"

Five lucky commenters (or Tweeters) will be chosen at random to receive a Gimme FIVE Gift Box from Edoughble Cookie Dough, valued at $35 each. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be a member of SheSpeaks. If you are not a member, click here to join.  Enter through 1/31. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified by email.

Thanks to all for entering! Congratulations to our winners: HeidiLouise, ashtonpreston, ironram1,Cin_20, poisonivyecho81

Make a Comment

by BigDiva41 | BALTIMORE, MD
Jan 14, 2016

White Chocolate Raspberry, so good!!

by lindahusker | SAINT LOUIS, MO
Jan 14, 2016

peanut butter with cinnamon, so much yum!

by steelermom | IRWIN, PA
Jan 14, 2016

My favorite cookie dough is Peanut Butter with Chocolate Chips.

by cindy2366 | Laconia, NH
Jan 14, 2016

Maple, Bacon, white chocolate chip

Jan 14, 2016

I would love to try some chocolate dough with cherries
