Commented on:
Mackenzie Phillips Opens Up On Oprah
on Oct 13, 2009:
Reagrdless of what may have happened, this. in my opinion, is a desperate attempt for money and attention. Her life is her business. As I commented in the David Letterman blog, booty calls are none of my business. If she is truly a survivor of an unwanted sexual act or acts, coming out with t…
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How To Deal With Dave
on Oct 13, 2009:
I think the issue here is not the affairs that Letterman may have had or may not have, I think the bigger issue is the media.
I don't really care if Mr. Letterman had a thousand lovers, it is not my business. If he was an intimate partner of mine, I then would care. I really feel bad for Mrs…
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Re-Invent Yourself!
on Sep 25, 2009:
I would love to go as well. Being geographically challenged, I am unable too. Be creative and take a day to yourself or with your friends and make a day of it in your own town!