Mr.Clean Magic Eraser

Mr.Clean Magic Eraser

              Rated #7 in Cleaning Supplies
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1493 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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it works, well, but it made my hands break out! keep away from children and wear rubber gloves.

this product does not work well for what it claims

Great product if you have white semi-gloss, such as doors and moulding. It also works excellent on appliances. The only problem is that it disintegrates so quickly. You'd have to buy a carton to do the whole house. The other negative is that it will leave streaks on colored flat-painted walls. Additionally, if you scrub too hard, it will take some of the paint off. If you clean a spot, it is taking the dirt off, but only in that spot, so you will have a part of the wall cleaner than each other. I have only been in my home 4 years and had it freshly painted when I moved in. I can't imagine what it does to walls that were painted 10 years ago. Have you ever seen an old house that had pictures taken off the walls? You have a completely different, bright color than is on the rest of the wall. You may even say to yourself, "This is what the walls are supposed to look like?

I've tried Mr. Clean's magic eraser and it's good for the first 10 scrubs but u can't wash it and use it again and expect it to be as good as it was brand new... A bounty paper towel was stronger for me.

The Mr Clean Magic Eraser well it starts off good but then falls a part the next couple of times you try to use them it. I do expect for it to last at least more then one maybe two uses!! I mean this is Mr. clean after all should it not last up to it name tough cleaner. I'm not saying it should last forever but more then a two uses would be good for me. By the second time I go to use it it falls apart in pieces and I have to throw it. Please make it last a little longer then a couple of uses thank you. I do use Mr clean other products that's why I would love to see this one tougher.

Didn't really care for them.

Nice product. Works well for almost anything. Few things were easier with just a regular scrubbie.

Okay product does get markets and crayons of of walls but after it sets for a day or so I feel like I am just smearing germs ever where

I was told to try this on my wall in the kitchen that had grease splatter. It didn't work and the spong fell apart.

It definitely does the job BUT the biggest problem is how it breaks up and how it leaves the dirt behind ... you have to work hard to pick it all up.

Mr Clean Magic Eraser I have tried this product. Cleans fairly well, but comes apart to easily.

I really did not like this product. It fell apart on while I was cleaning.

Didn't erase for me Maybe I not using the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, but I couldn't find anything that it erasers.

Falls apart very quickly Cleans on but falls apart so quickly it's not worth my time, energy or money.

Stick with the simple It does remove majority of marks, but using dawn soap and some water does basically the same thing at a cheaper cost.