Mr.Clean Magic Eraser

Mr.Clean Magic Eraser

              Rated #7 in Cleaning Supplies
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1493 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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This product works great on the tub! I taught my daughter how to use it and she uses it on almost everything. The rust stains in the sink disapear in moments!

This is a great product to use. It takes everything off of my kitchen counter top. The rings and all the weird stains. I love it. However, I don't suggest using it to get crayon off the wall it pealed my paint off.

The eraser is very effective on cleaning marks and scuffs on walls. It's made of formaldehyde, so that makes me a little concerned, but it makes so many jobs an absolute breeze!

It is great at cleaning my bathtub. I have an older porcelain tub that has seen better days. If there is a mark that I can't get out I go straight for my Magic Eraser. It does a good job getting crayon/pen/markers off walls. I also find it helpful when getting the grime off of my glass top stove. The only down side is it doesn't last very long.

These are very handy to clean my boys bathtub and also my white bike shoes!

This product works very well, although I had a bad experience with it. I had some paint on my arm, and I thought I'd try My Mr Clean Magic Eraser to get it off. Well I rubbed my skin a little where the paint was, and OOOOHHHHH---not good. I recieved a chemical burn, that lasted 2 weeks. I still have a scar there. So watch it folks, don't be stupid, and use it on your skin like I did.

this was really great!the only thing i had a bit of a hard time with was getting ink pen off spackled wall. other than that it works like a charm; or for the sake of being corney- it works like magic! :)

All of the team members in my home staging business carry Magic Erasers in their tool bags. We love them and wouldn't be caught without them. Karen, Housewarming Home Staging and Design, Seattle, WA

These are great for getting marks off white wall.

This product really does work like magic--it removes all sorts of marks from walls. I just recommend curbing your enthusiasm and being gentle when you use it since it's possible to rub off more than the dirt!

Works great on most things. However, it is possible to press too hard and remove more than you wanted to.

This is by far the best way to clean up after my son, but I find that sometimes a filmy residue is left behind. This happens when I am cleaning a table or walls.

I love this product. It's great for removing crayon and also good for the grooves in the bathroom lanolium.

This product is magic! Most of my walls looked oh so clean when I was done! It doesn't get EVERY type of stain off, but most of them!

i use this everytime i clean, works great in the bathtub!