Kong Large Red Kong Dog Toy

Kong Large Red Kong Dog Toy

              Rated #13 in Pets
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I don't have a dog but an old roommate of mine did and the pup went nuts for this toy when there was a treat in it!

my boyfriends dog loves this thing expecially if its filled with peanut butter..he chews up everything in his sight but hasnt chewed up this toy yet.

I have a couple of them around the house and my dogs love to chase them when I throw them. They are a bit pricey though.

I have a puggle and a regular sized kong works well for him, but of course only when its full of peanut butter. I have a friend, whose goldendoodle ate her way through the regular, and them the extreme kong. Overall,it works well but not for larger dogs with a habit of chewing.

These are great distraction for pups. I have three and they all love it. Once they figured out how to get the treats out, they are empty in no time.

My Lab loves her kong! I also put peanut butter inside and freeze it. I agree it is hard to clean the inside I put it in the dishwasher.

Have been a lifesaver for dachshunds on crate rest with IVDD stuffed with peanut butter. Some of the dogs aren't too crazy about it. If it's their thing it's their thing. Good product though, built well and it lasts, good for the money.

This is a great idea, but unfortunately my pups give up too easily :(

I know a number of people & their pets who love kongs, including one of my best friends. My dog however doesn't like them. She's sort of a finicky dog and only likes hide bones. I think Kong has a great product offering and would recommend dog owners to at least try these. Those who love these, really love them.

this is a great product... My dog loves it when I put peanut butter in it. My only problem with it is that it is too easy for him to get things out of! I am still looking for a way to make it more difficult for him to get the treats out of so it can amuse him longer.

The doctor at the Humane Society gave my dog one after nearly killing him, it was a small gesture but my dog loves it. I dont even have to put peanut butter in it. It is very durable, the hardest thing is keeping track of where it is.

My English Mastiff loves her Kong. It's been around for several years and she hasn't torn it up at all. Great product!

This is the only toy my Brittany Spaniel will ever play with! He especially loves it when it was filled with peanut butter like other reviewers have mentioned. But really any dog friendly food fits in there and is a hit with my dog.

My dachshund loves this thing so much! I put both peanut butter and small dog bones in this. He is an avid chewer and has not spared this at all. However, it has kept its shape and I have not had to replace it yet!

I loved the Kong, just make sure you get the correct one. I got the red one and I wish you could see it now. It is totally in shreds. We have 2 pit bulls and they tore it up. We got the larger black one and its still good. Our lab/shep mix loves to carry it around and throw it. I give it a 4 star only because it got torn up so badly.