Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

              Rated #13 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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913 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
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My kids did not like the flavor of this product. Said it tasted "fakey"

My son didn't care for this at all and he does like Mac n beef normally.

The packaging nor the flavor appealed to my two kids. They would not try this flavor.

Packaging and cook time the ONLY thing this product had going for it. None of the kids liked it (ages 3,4, and 7).

All 3 of my kids (5, 4 & 2) tried this and no one cared for it. They each took one bite and were done.

My 2 yr. old tolerated this meal, but didn't enjoy it. He only finished about half and I had to throw the rest away because nobody else would eat it.

My son is 8 and he hated this meal...he would only take three bites and refused to finish it. Did not taste very good to me either!

My son is 8 and he took only one bite of this and refused to eat anymore. It really wasn't very tasty, not sure I would give this to an animal, let alone one of my kids. That comment might seem harsh, but with all of our choices as a mom today, you would think that along with making this convenient, they could also make it taste good!

Well first I would like to say that the plastic wrapping is not easy to open on all of them which I did not like. My Daughter did not like it she took one spoonful and said yuck...that's nasty

My boys eat just about anything, and they did finish it, but sadly, they did not care for this at all. They felt there was too much sauce and the macaroni was chewy.

6 year old said it was gross and didn't taste like anything. I tried it and agree with her.

my daughter asked for this one but she ended up throwing it away.

My kids didn't care for this one

My son took the taste test very seriously, and ate his way through 3 spoonfuls before declaring it 'not so good' and asking for something else for dinner. I will note that he is not a fan of beef and macaroni that anyone else makes, either. He's odd for a kid in that he doesn't like pasta in any form!!

Didn't like it...."tasted like dirty trash".