Disney Phineas and Ferb

Disney Phineas and Ferb

              Rated #7 in Television Shows
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67 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
98% Recommended
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I came across this cartoon by total accident. I have a 4 and a 2 year old and after the first episode they were hooked. I often find myself watching it when they aren't around! It think it is just a great cartoon! My kids especially like Perry ;0)

i really like this show its funny, and cute.

My son loves this show, and I find myself laughing at the jokes. Makes it easier for adults to watch with kids!

My husband and I watch this after my kids go to bed! lol My son likes the cartoon and we like that it's good wholesome entertainment for him. It's really funny

My 7 year old and 2 year old love this show. I don't really enjoy watching cartoons, but this one I can sit through. Great show.

my kids love this show, and it actually one I dont mind.

my whole family watches this! Both of us parents and kids from 14-3. we are fans

LOVE this show, and we love watching it with our 6 year old. Love the characters, story lines, and music. It's just plain fun!

My 3 year old loves this show. Even I sit down and watch to see what they've come up with this time. They use a lot of imagination and creativity in every episode. And the platypus is sooo random but its cute! PPPEEERRRRYY!!

My 2 yr old daughter started watching Phineas and Ferb with my husband because it was one of the only cartoons that he could stand watching. They both love it! It's a cute show and has little bits of adult humor, but is definitely more for young children.

Very fun and great to entertain the kids. Whenever i babysit it gets the kids so quiet its amazing. The show is great though very funny and cool for kids. I would tell any parent to let there kids watch this

This is a cute show, however I would love to see Candice's mom finally catch phinneas and pherb!! My boys like it!

It's cute.

My children LOVE this show, we only watch it on Netflix so its not the new ones but they can watch it over and over, I have only watched it a few times and it is entertaining even to me, my sister has even started watching it with her daughter.

this one of the cutest cartoons by Disney