The Help Movie

The Help Movie

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This movie was a great movie. I have seen it now three different times and I am still in love with it.

the help was a great movie i love the drama and comedy in this movie. It did make me cry and a great movie would make you cry and laugh at the same time and the movie help did do all that

I thought this was a delightful movie ! I think I was big pregnant the first time I saw it so of course I bawled & laughed sometimes at the Dame time haha ! It was a good movie for the whole family even the teenager's liked it . There wasn't a bunch of cussing & killing or sex scenes which was a nice change ! Excellent actors & storyline as well !

The book and the movie were terrific. An accurate portray of of theings in the south in that era. It was heartwarming, and you will find yourself cheering for the endearing character Minnie!

I loved this movie. Read the book before the film came out and I must say not very many films can live up to the actual book but this one did. Great actors!

Loved this movie. Very rarely do you find movies that stay true to the book, but this one did. I liked how the story was told and the characters in the movie. Everyone was memorable in their own way. Great movie and also a a great read.

Loved this movie, it historically accurate, its good for all ages, and shows morals and things people should lie by today.

I watched this movie and reveled in its authenticity. I grew up in the South, not Mississippi but S.C., and I was not from an influential white family but I knew women who employed maids and always wondered what their lives were like so I asked and heard some similar stories as presented by the cast and script. The book was a birthday gift from my best friend who grew up just as I did but in N.C. and she also was curious enough to ask. The movie might make a lot of people uncomfortable but it is time we stopped making the truth and history "comfortable." It was good to see people accepting the past in order to move past it.

Absolutely loved this movie!!

I loved this movie Wonderful

One of favorites

Excellent movie. My whole family enjoyed watching it together.

i love this movie grate movies

Love this movie. I watched it with my grandma when it came out in threathers. I dont think i have ever laughed so hard great movie

I loved this movie!! but somehow I liked the book better.