Bumbo Baby Seat

Bumbo Baby Seat

              Rated #55 in Other
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331 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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Great if your kid fits. Both of my kids had thighs too big for the seat even though they were less than 6 months old. My son is now 3 y/o and now that I tell him the seat is for his 4.5 month old sister (who can barely fit), he loves it. Plus, now he fits it fine. Go figure.

The idea of this was better than its practicality. I used it most in the tub. The tray that clips on top wouldn't stay so very dangerous when baby plays.

I love the idea, but my daughters thighs kept getting stuck. I guess she's just too fat for this seat :(

not sturdy and leg holes are small

I also didn't find it to be very sturdy , my grandson has tip it over a few times

I don't think it is worth the price because you only use it for a little bit and only 1 of my children could stand sitting in it

Love this seat♡♥ only down side to this is the seat is not made for chunky babys with really chubby legs my girl could on be in it for maybe a month cause she was so chunky the price is way to high but its nice fir on the go with the snack tray if your at a park or a friends house

meh.... not impressed. The leg holes are too small. I prefer the Lion Heart one. It comes with the tray, tray mats, toy and a seat belt (pre Bumbo recall).

i like this seat, however, my daughter seems to hate it. she has only used it a VERY short time and she has already out grown it. (obviously babies grow fast), but for the money, i wish i would have just bought some other items that do the same thing that convert into something else useful. this material this chair is made of is kinda hard and uncomfortable. it seems no so baby body friendly for some reason.

I was very excited to buy a bumbo with our youngest son. He hated it. He would scream every time we tried to put him in it. The tray would also pinch him when we would put it on.

I liked this for bathing but it's not safe enough to take your eyes off of them for even a second. It can topple easily.

We received a Bumpo as a gift when my son was born. We never really used it. By the time he was strong enough to sit up in it he only used it a few times before he seemed to big for it.

Don´t like it at all

My baby never looked comfortable sitting in this seat. I think this seat would be better suited for a baby when they are able to sit up on their own, but by then, the seat looks like it would be too small to fit the baby. I was looking forward to using this seat with the tray instead of using a high chair, but it looks like I won't be able to get much use out of the seat before the baby completely outgrows it. It is helpful for holding up the baby in a seated position when taking her 100 day celebration photos. That's about all that it was good for.

Not made with chubby babies in mind. My son has never fit in it and it is uncomfortable and horrible to try and get him out of it. I much prefer the super seat.