Parent's Choice Premium Infant Formula

Parent's Choice Premium Infant Formula

              Rated #9 in Feeding
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63 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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I love this brand of formula!! Both my other kids had to be on hypoallergenic formula because they couldn't handle the name brand soy. My youngest has had no problems with this formula! I'm so ecstatic that I don't have to pay loads of money for formula. It's half the price of regular formula, I don't know what I would do without it!

I think this is the best brand my son loved and is doing very well on it

this is a great product and my son liked it just as much as the non generic brand

What a bargain. I ordered a case of organic parent's choice for my baby and it worked out great. I really wish it was available in the store. I have to order it online and it I get low, i'll supplement w/ a name brand product.

Wish I had known about this product with my other kids! I used this brand for my last two children,. Its great, cheaper, and same ingredients. Packaging is great, simple, and easy to read when trying to locate the right formula on the shelves.

I used this product for my youngest two boys. I noticed no difference between Parent's Choice and Enfamil. We used the provided Enfamil in the hospital, then when we got home we started using Parents Choice. I would recommend this product to anyone, It is the same product for half the cost! Who wouldn't go for that!

I loved it! My daughter used this formula in conjunction to being breastfed. I switched her after Similc had their recall due to bug parts being contaminated in the formula. I never changed her back. It was definitely cheaper, but only money wise. The product was great.

i loved using the parents choice formula. both of my sons had no problems with it. it is so much cheaper than buying the name brand formulas. i highly recommend using this formula.

I used Parent's Choice for all three of my Children. The cost is good and the quality is comparible, plus it doesn't seem to have that nasty formula smell as bad as other brands.

This formula is fantastic! My husband and I didn't have a lot of money when my first child was born and we used this formula instead of the expensive name brand. She never had a problem and ever seemed to prefer this to other ones that we tried. I would recommend it to anyone!

Clumpier than the name brand and tends to hold water from the air much quicker, but otherwise it's exactly the same. Really. Save yourself some money and buy this instead.

I love this.. My son has severe reflux and he loves this stuff.. he's kept it down. SO i say it's a keeper. I love the Toddler formula!!

I tried to breastfeed with both kids but I was never able to produce enough milk. Wound up formula feeding both times. Parent's choice was the brand I used and they both loved it.

This formula is less of an expense, and also has everything that the other formulas have, nutrition wise. The toddler version also helps to suppliment nutrients still needed for a growing baby, Ours only gets about 16 oz. per day and that is only supplimenting the foods, juice, and water being ingested.

I also received a free sample in the mail by to try and my baby loves it, drinks it with no problems now I'm buying this brand to save money. Its a great choice.