Bumbo Baby Seat

Bumbo Baby Seat

              Rated #55 in Other
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331 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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I liked this for bathing but it's not safe enough to take your eyes off of them for even a second. It can topple easily.

We received a Bumpo as a gift when my son was born. We never really used it. By the time he was strong enough to sit up in it he only used it a few times before he seemed to big for it.

Don´t like it at all

My baby never looked comfortable sitting in this seat. I think this seat would be better suited for a baby when they are able to sit up on their own, but by then, the seat looks like it would be too small to fit the baby. I was looking forward to using this seat with the tray instead of using a high chair, but it looks like I won't be able to get much use out of the seat before the baby completely outgrows it. It is helpful for holding up the baby in a seated position when taking her 100 day celebration photos. That's about all that it was good for.

Not made with chubby babies in mind. My son has never fit in it and it is uncomfortable and horrible to try and get him out of it. I much prefer the super seat.

My 6 month old daughter couldn't even fit her legs comfortably through this. She would get stuck and cry. She seemed happy to be sitting up with the family, but she hated the getting out process. I felt like it was causing more harm than doing good.

We didn't have one of these with our first child, so when our second was on the way we decided to get it and actually only used it a few times. It was a waste of our money!

so this is not the greatest chair my son was 4 month and was claiming out of it love it and hate it

I am a mom to twin boys who were born 10 weeks premature and before our boys came home from the NICU the physical therapist warned us of several products and this chair was one of them. She told us NOT to use the Bumbo chair. Because of the way they sit when they are in the chair it can cause more harm than good. She told us that she has had to do physical therapy on babies who use this chair who would not otherwise need physical therapy. I see so many parents use this chair and it might be okay for VERY SHORT periods of time and not on a regular, daily basis. But as for me this chair is a no go!

I don't see what the hype is. My son looked uncomfortable in it and it just didn't seem safe. Returned it the next day

This did not work at all as advertised. My daughter looked extremely uncomfortable in it, and fussed the whole time.

hated it, my grandson hated it, and now I see they have been recalled, what does that tell you. my grandson did not seem comfortable in it, he was squashed, not a good seat for boys.

over priced and a way for parents to leave babies unattended while they are off doing what they want. bad parenting!

no these are dangerous they have a recall

Not great for babies