Britax Marathon Car Seat

Britax Marathon Car Seat

              Rated #1 in Car Seats
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97 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
96% Recommended
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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this seat! It is so easy to install and feels very secure rear-facing. My M-I-L has 2 different brands (even though I specifically told her which one to buy) and it makes me a nervous wreck when he rides with her, neither feel as secure as this one, even though they have more frills than Britax. I prefer him to be safe than have arm rests and cupholders.

Love this car seat. My 41 lb. 3 year old is still in it. It washes up well. Also if you have to change them around to different cars Britax has a much easier removal and set-up that other brands. Love the brand so much bought the highback booster for my 5 year old (44lbs.) which he still is using the 5 point and can get himself in and out

We love this seat! We have it for my 3yr old and he's been using it for 2.5yrs. It's been through a lot of dirt and grime and it's still holding up well. It will fit him for awhile and the safety of the seat are amazing. I love that the tethering is easy to do and that the lap straps have velcro on them to prevent the buckles from falling down and getting lost. Overall, a wonderful carseat. We liked it so much, we got another for our now 6 month old.

This is a fantastic seat. We have three of them - our 3 yr old, 2 yr old, and 16 month old are in them and they are a perfect fit for each. The seats have secured perfectly in our different vehicles (Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, Toyota 4-Runner), the kids are always comfortable, and best of all I know they are safe in these seats.

We use this car seat for our oldest son and are very pleased with it. It's easy to adjust and super easy to install. I feel that my kid is the safest in this car seat.

I love this seat. When I was in a serious accident I replaced it with the same model so now I have 2 covers... one to put on when the other is drying after a wash.

We did a LOT of research before purchasing a convertible carseat for our first child, and I am so glad we did. We wanted a seat for a reasonable price with excellent safety ratings and the Britax Marathon made the cut! Our child used to scream when we put him in his infant seat, but there is no protest with the Britax. He is a bit "fluffy" and yet has room to grow, it is easy to get him in and out (especially love the Velcro seatbelt hold on both sides) and he can easily see out the windows while we drive. It is also a lot easier to clean than I anticipated - VERY important for a carseat we want to last!!! I will never buy a different brand!!

Only seat we've owned for all three children. Love them.

We have Britax carseat in both of our cars and we absolutely love them. It is nice knowing our kids are safe.

Safe I have been using this car seat for four month now and don't have any problems.

Amazing care seat I absolutly love this carseat !! Its amazing in all ways , its soft an comfortable for our little ones

Love this car seat! It's price friendly , not heavy, and very easy to install . I have one in my car and one as a spare too

Safe Love this car seat! Have also seen crash reviews and love the safety of them!

Loved this car seat. Not just for the obvious safety factors, but my child NEVER fought getting into her car seat. Not once. I have to believe it was because the seat was amazingly comfortable to her! I highly recommend Britax.

Awesome for our first grandbaby! So happy to have this for our first grandchild! I love all of the different ways it can be used! It didn't used to be that way!