Bounce Lint & Freshness Roller

Bounce Lint & Freshness Roller

              Rated #38 in Laundry
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Pretty cool product. Smells great too~

I really do love it!!!!!!!!!

I keep one in my large pocketbook and have helped many people get rid of some lint in no time.

It's a scented lint roller. It works fantastically on my work clothes (All black with 2 cats) but it works about the same as any other lint roller.

Love this! if you have pets! it's for you!

i love this product ,workss reallly good it grabs everything:)

Nice product

the best

I think it works great and smells good!

I I have one in my car and in my house. Makes clothes lint free and also free from pesty animal hair.

First off I have alot of animals around my home that just love to leave hair everywhere they go. Typical right? Oh yes, the great cats which I call my children do leave quite the hair mess. I have many times gone to grab a shirt,jacket,etc. and found so many cat hairs on my clothes that I could probably make a bed sheet out of. Sometimes lint rollers work, sometimes I use tape, sometimes I wash it a thousand times. UNTIL, I came across the new BOUNCE lint roller. This lint roller is the master hair picker upper!! I love it. Not only that BUT ITS SCENTED just like a dryer sheet! VOILA hair be GONE!

Works very well and picks up all types of debris.

This lint roller is great, although I do find the refills to be a little pricey. I *love* to use it on my sheets and pillow cases (I have two dogs that definitely sleep with me even though I know it's not so great for you) to remove the hair and freshen them when it gets closer to wash time (or it's past wash time, but I just haven't gotten it done yet!).

This product works well and smells great !!

I always get lint on me always it never fails I cary one of these on my car my room my office everywhere