Bumbo Baby Seat

Bumbo Baby Seat

              Rated #55 in Other
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331 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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I love this product. It is great for these children who are interested in sitting up with older children but can't quiet do it on their own. All of the kids I have had in my care have enjoyed the seat because they felt like they were involved without me holding them the entire time. I am not sure if it will be as comfortable for the babies since I have installed the safty fix. The fix kit was very easy to install though and with a new baby on the way I am excited to get to try it.

I loved this for my daughter till she got old enough to stand an try an get out lol but i ordered the strap an it worked well now i am passing it on to my bestie who just had a baby

Must have for any new more. It was a great way to introduce your infant to sitting upright.

This is a must have for any parent!!!

I loved our bumbo. I was upset about the recent attacks on this product because of injuries. If you're smart enough to follow safety instructions and use the seat correctly, your child will be safe. Anything can become a hazard if used carelessly. We will be using the same exact jumbo seat with our next child.

this is handy when you need to do house work

We love our Bumbo!! It is a great for babies who have good head control. Our 3 month old loves to sit in his Bumbo in the floor and watch his siblings run around and play. It gives him a different view and I don't have to worry about him laying down all the time.

nice product easy to use at a great price!

When my son was a baby, we loved the Bumbo seat. He started using it at about 4 months, and within 2 or 3 weeks, he was sitting on his own. We also used it to feed him, as it was easy for him to sit. After we were done using it, we gave it to a friend, who also loved it!

My sister used this with all three of her girls (two of them being twins) and they loved it! I have seen it to be a great help. When the twins wanted her undivided attention, she was able to sit them up and play with both of them without the worry or hassle of trying to handle them both at the same time.

I love these! I have personally used this for 2 of my grandchildren and also for a baby that I babysat everyday. All 3 seem to enjoy it in their own way. Of course they need to be supervised and should not be placed for long periods. Each baby is different and will let you know what they like. My daughter in law also used this for her 2 babies and she says she loved it.

The bumbo is great for being a movable highchair. I use it when I go over to a friends house and they don't have a highchair, I can put my son in his Bumbo with the tray and feed him just like if he was at home. Great quality. And the company is sending out safety belts for it now and that is a great addition to the seat.

very handy

With my daughter this product was great, she was content sitting in it and watching what was going on around her. With my son it didn't work quite as long because he is constantly on the go. It is great for feeding because it sits them upright and holds them in place. It is really great for anytime you can't exactly hold them but can be right there with them. The injuries that happen using the bumbo I completely believe were user error, common sense plays a big part. I would accompany this purchase with the bumbo tray, great when they are learning to feed themself or for toys.

I used these for both children. My daughter always wanted to be held so she didn't like it to much but my son loved it! For awhile I heard such bad things about bumbo seats but that is because they left the child alone in the seat! You just can't leave such young children (babies) alone in anything. As with anything, use this seat wisely.