Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment

Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment

              Rated #2 in Diapers & Diapering
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352 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
96% Recommended
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This product is great! Heals babies diaper rash almost over night, compared to others. Not only is it great for diaper rashes but also dry skin, which one of my young ones had a problem with on her legs. I also like to use it on the heels of my feet during the summer when I basically live in sandals, helps the minor cracks and dryness I get. This is definitely a staple in our house.

We no longer have a baby in the house and we still use this product and love it! It is perfect for dry, cracking heals and dry elbows. I apply it to my heels at night and by morning the healing has begun.

Great product. Love that it's multi purpose and works on more than one thing. I use it for diaper rash, dry skin, and skin irritations.

I love this stuff! I have one in each bathroom, in the diaper bag and sometimes in my purse, and keep some at grandma's house! It's good for more than just diaper rash, I've used it for severely chapped lips, dry cuticles, in place of body lotion, and for cracked nipples from nursing.

I love this product. I used this for myself before I had my son and I use it on him now. This is a wonderful product that works

Have never tried this but heard it works really well

Love this product! I use it anytime any part of my family's skin looks questionable.

The best product on the market for dry skin! My eczema responds to basically only Aquafor!

I use this for everything this product is very useful

Best product for babies that are prone to diaper rash. I've tried many other products but this works immediately.

Personally I have never used this product but I have a friend who swears by it. He uses it for his daughter for many things as well as diaper rash.

This ointment is such an amazing product. My son had an awful diaper rash and within half an hour it was pretty much gone

Love this for my babies diaper rashes!!! It clears them up fast and it lasts a very long time.

NUMBER ONE THING I USE!!!! its thick and so moisturizing! I wash my hands so much being a nurse and this is my cure all for ugly dry cracked hand! we use it on all of residents with dry skin as well!

Lifesaver This product was a lifesaver fory son's constant battle with diaper rash. We used it right up through potty training to help him not experience pain as he transitioned to the potty.