Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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I absolutely love Dr. Seuss books and this one is definitely on the top of my list. I bought a copy for my son and have had each of his teachers sign it so when he graduates from high school he will see all of their encouraging words wishing him well on his journey to college. Dr. Seuss's words are inspiring and a great message for life.

Wonderful! A friend gave me this book back in high school when I was really struggling. Now, as a teacher, I share this book with the children starting preschool. The message of being able to do anything you put your mind to is a very powerful message that everyone needs to hear.

Great book One of my favorite child hood stories because of the hidden message that we can go and be anything in like we want.

Great book for all ages This is one of the best books out there. I use this book and have on for each of my children. At the end of the school year the teachers who worked with my children will each sign the book and place a little note about them. I started when they were in Kindergarten and will continue till the end of high school and give this to them as a present so they can remember all their school years. Thank you Dr Seuss for all the great reminders in life

Yes, I received 3 different copies for my high school graduation and yes I kept all 3. This book is a work of art. Absolutely worth the purchase and a short hand-written note on the inside cover for that special someone.

Book This is a cute kids book we have a copy we have had for years that each kid has used.

Our favorite read as a family! The kids and I love this book! We love reading and talking about our favorite places we have visited and what the possibilities of the future might and can be. I am also using this book as a memory procurer for my kids when they will eventually go out on their own. This is a very inspiring book and highly recommended!

imaginative adventure love this book!!! one of my favorites a child and now i read it to my niece. its our great adventure staycation!

Perfect for all ages! This book is for all ages! I've bought this book for graduations, birthdays, accomplishment celebrations, literally anything! The lessons behind this light and fun book is a memorable one for years to come.

Great book! Love this book! I received it as a graduation gift. I've since purchased a copy for our school aged child and have had their teachers sign it with the intent on giving it to them for their graduation with all of the signatures and notes.

This book has so many applications. My daughter has it on her shelf to remind her of all of the places she will go (she is 21). My nephew had this book as his guest book for his high school open house. Finally my grandaughter loves to hear this story, mostly because of the rhythm of the words, I think (she is 6 months old)

One of the best Dr. Seuss books out there. It truly is a classic and every household should have a copy. It's perfect for any age group and makes a wonderful gift for high school graduations, birthdays, etc.

Great Gift Book This is one of my favorite Dr Seuss books. It makes a great gift to your child when they graduate from high school. Each year just have their current teacher write a note to them inside the book.

Oh The Places This Book Can Take You... This has always been my favorite Dr. Seuss book. I make sure to give it as a graduation gift regularly.

Great message and keepsake This is such a great book. I bought this for my son when he was in kindergarten and I have all of his teachers write him a message at the end of each year. I plan on giving it to him at his high school graduation party.