I used to really enjoy using myspace before facebook came along. I logged into my old myspace account not to long ago just to see what was going on with it and all of my photos and other things I had added to the myspace page were gone. It also seemed like now it was all music base - I was super confused and don't plan on ever logging back in.
I used to love to use Myspace but I started picking up viruses when using it so I deleted the account.
MySpace is awful. I used to be such an advocate for MySpace until I started using Facebook. It became less about what my profile song was and more about connecting with friends.
I used to be a huge myspace fan, but facebook has rendered myspace obsolete among myself and my friends. Myspace seems to be the less mature, less sophsticated, and less effective means of social networking among the "big three" (myspace, facebook, twitter).
Facebook has really changed the market for social networking, if Myspace wants to stay around they're going to have to change their market. It really needs to lose the image of being for teenagers, and more for everyone.
I got sick of myspace way before I started using facebook. Profiles took forever to load and people would bombard them with useless crap like silly graphics and useless info.
I used to use Myspace a while ago before I started using Facebook. I would get messages and friend requests from all sorts of people and I didn't like that at all. I felt like there was a lack of privacy.
I am sorry but I used to be a user of myspace and I did not like it at all. I prefer facebook much better...it is easier to navigate and you have more controlll.... sorry myspace.
The only thing I like about myspace is that you have a song on your profile page. Other than that, I'm surprised the site is still around. Facebook is 10x better all around, hands down. ...that's my quick take on it.
i had a myspace but i had to delete it. my computer got a virus or worm every other day. too many hackers too.
I used to love Myspace but then it seemed like everyone I knew went to facebook so of course I did the same. Myspace seemed to be for younger kids.
It might have changed in the past few years, but when I was on it, it was a bit more crazy and did not have such a comfortable atmosphere. Some things were too risque.
Myspace is alright, but I use facebook alot more!
I am a former user of MySpace. In the beginning it was fun to connect with old and new people, but then it seemed like people were making it part of their daily lives as if it was a job. People were always telling me "I sent you a message on MySpace" and I'm thinking what happened to just emailing me or maybe even calling me. It also seemed geared more towards young people(I'm closer to 40 than 30 lol) with all of the comments and what not. I still think it's a great place to network but not for me.
I have both but I definitely use Facebook more!