I love MySpace! It is great to catch up with old and make new friends! I have come across people I haven't seen in years! MySpace is also like a daily school reunion! LoL.. It's also a great way to touch base with friends during busy times!
I love myspace easy to use , music on your page and so much more easy to navigate. Also Myspace allows you to edit your pictures unlike facebook.
I love how Facebook allows one to connect with friends and even family you haven't seen in years!
I love MySpace (once I blocked all apps anyway). I've found friends I hadn't seen in years, and made some new great friends. I visit MySpace at least once a day.
I like myspace. Its completely user friendly. To me facebook is harder to use. Its a fun place to get in touch with friends and share with family members who live far away.
Myspace has less privacy settings than Facebook. Plus, facebook seems more professional whereas myspace is a site used more for appearances.
I still use Myspace from time to time but prefer the ease of Facebook. Seems like FB is more popular with my generation. So great to send invites and I also found out about my high school reunion via FB.
I belong to both facebook and myspace. I'm not real impressed with either one of them. The main reason that I joined is because so many people told me I could probably find help with my genealogy project. The only people I have found are ones that I already knew where they were. I can't figure out why people post some of the things that they do on these sites or at least some of the things should be sent as a private message, instead of posted for everybody to see. I know I have found out things about my 18 year old grandaughter that I wish I didn't know. My thought is once find somebody that you know why can't you communicate by email or phone. Those methods are a lot more confidential.
I must say I really enjoy Facebook over myspace
I have both but I definitely use Facebook more!
love to use to keep in contact with family and friends near and far. do still like facebook better
I am a former user of MySpace. In the beginning it was fun to connect with old and new people, but then it seemed like people were making it part of their daily lives as if it was a job. People were always telling me "I sent you a message on MySpace" and I'm thinking what happened to just emailing me or maybe even calling me. It also seemed geared more towards young people(I'm closer to 40 than 30 lol) with all of the comments and what not. I still think it's a great place to network but not for me.
Its sad to say I dont use myspace anymore. I started using it before facebook but not anymore. sorry myspace.
I used to love Myspace but then it seemed like everyone I knew went to facebook so of course I did the same. Myspace seemed to be for younger kids.
i had a myspace but i had to delete it. my computer got a virus or worm every other day. too many hackers too.