Post Raisin Bran

Post Raisin Bran

              Rated #9 in Cereal & Breakfast Food
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13 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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so good, i dont care for raisins by themselves but with these flakes theyre so good.

I'm A Fan I always loved these when I was little! Definitely one of the healthier cereals out there, but watch out for the sugar.

Post Raisin Bran is the best Raisin Bran out there. The bran flakes are not sweet they are just great. The raisins are plump and juicy and sweet. The balance is the best. It has little bit of copper in it which is good for us and it doesn't have BHT. This is really great. I don't feel bad after I eat this cereal and it really helps with getting fiber. This cereal helps to keep me full longer than most other cereals. It does soak up a lot of milk though.

I love this cereal and eat it almost daily, its the best brand of it out there, super healthy! It helps keep everything on track, because of the fiber!

Love this cereal! I started eating this cereal as a kid, still eat it now! I love the balance between healthy with a little bit of sweet (raisins). We go through boxes like crazy in our house

You are what you eat... My son loves this cereal! He's kind of health-conscious anyway but when I compared the ingredients with "the other raisin bran crunch", this one definitely won hands down for having whole grain used not enriched anything. So, fine it's a few dollars more than the super-sugary-hyper-attack-and-crash cereal but it's worth it to start our kids off knowing the difference between healthy and garbage. Remember, we are what we eat healthy, your mind and body are vibrant and uplifted but if you only consume junk/garbage, hmmm fill in the blank.

Classic and Delicious! I really enjoy bran cereals. This classic is still one of the best. It isn't overwhelmingly sweet. The raisins don't seem to get soggy either. It has a great tastes that really comes together nicely.

I have been eating Raisin Bran since I was little. I still love it. It's a great cereal.

I love raisin bran. I eat a bowl 6/7 days a week. Post puts alot more raisins then kellogs

Love it I've been eating this cereal since I was a little kid. Can't even tell that you?re actually eating something healthy because of the sweet taste you get.

I've been eating Raisin Bran since I was kid and I still love it to this day. I'm the only one in my household that eats it so I get the whole box to myself!

More Raisins per bite! I absolutely love Post Raisin Bran Cereal! It has the most raisins per bite in my opinion than any of the other brands!!

Theater touch man cometh My grandmother used to feed me this every morning before praying, and I've enjoyed the mixture of breadcrumbs and plums ever since. I sometimes squeeze lemons into it to add texture. The bowl has a picture of Pee Wee Herman at the bottom and he creeps me out so I typically keep five boxes of plum bread handy to cover his mug at all times. The cereal gets stale if I go to Disney World but that's what you have to do to keep the theater touch man at bay.