Got Your Degree and Don't Know What To Do With It? Or Know Someone Else Who Does?

   By drodriguez  Sep 14, 2008

Searching for a job
can be a daunting task. If you’re just graduating from college, or nurturing a family member on their way, it may seem an impossible feat. But now what? The day you were deposited on the curb of your college campus with a diploma in hand, were you elated or let down? The parchment is proof of your accomplishments, but it isn’t a ticket to your career. You need to get through the door of prospective employers but how do you make an impression if you have no relevant experience?

Help has arrived in the form of Getting from College to Career, by Lindsey Pollak. The accomplished author and public speaker on careers and all things women related, outlines the things to do before you join the real world. Whether you’re obtaining that degree this May, or dusting off your résumé to get back in the game, this read is a must.

Pollak’s inspiration is personal. As a college student, she was pretty certain she was going to be a lawyer, went as far as taking the practice LSAT before she dismissed a career in law. In the introduction, she writes: “[This book] is the book I wished had existed when I was in college?. It’s a collection of all the tips, ideas, advice, secrets, strategies and warnings that I didn’t even know I didn’t know. It’s the book that can help make this weird time?full of questions, transitions and decisions?as painless and productive as possible.”

Salient points abound ? 90 to be exact ? on how to get to where you need to go after the sounds of Pomp & Circumstance have faded away. There’s #5 on how to conduct an interview and #66 regarding impressive cover letters, and its spot on advice, wrapped up in an easy-to-read paperback.

For those of you in a position to share advice, what would your kernel of wisdom be for the job hunters of today’s world? What do you wish you’d known then that you know now?

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fyrefly by fyrefly | Silverdale, WA
May 06, 2007

I wish something like this had been available to me when I graduated three years ago! I'm still going to check it out!