Things of Interest: The Secret

   By drodriguez  Feb 20, 2007

It's sweeping the country and beyond. The Secret, a 90 minute movie/documentary featuring 25 teachers, authors, and philosophers, was created by Australian Rhonda Byrne. She says that if you follow its philosophy, you can create the life you want... whether that means getting out of debt, finding a more fulfilling job or even falling in love.

Oprah even featured "The Secret" on not only one, but two of her recent episodes.

What exactly is "The Secret"?

Rhonda Byrne defines The Secret as the law of attraction, which is the principle that "like attracts like." Rhonda calls it "the most powerful law in the universe," and says it is working all the time. "What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we're thinking and feeling," Rhonda says. The principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fueled by our thoughts... which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth.


Many who have read or watched "The Secret" call it life changing.

The Secret is available as a book or DVD. To learn more go to:

Have you heard of The Secret? What do you think of it? Would you recommend it to others?

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kscouple by kscouple | Whitewater, KS
Apr 11, 2007

I watched it with my kids.  It was very inspirational and since I watched it, my life has begun to change in a VERY positive way!  Not that it wouldn't have to begin with, but I have a little more direction now!

AshleighC by AshleighC | Wichita, KS
Mar 08, 2007

I have seen the movie "The secret" and read the book. This book has highly influenced me to concentrate on the positive things in life. I feel so much better now that I understand the secret. I feel that deep down I knew the secret but having it pointed out in clear sight makes more sense to me. If you liked the secret - Check out "What the Bleep?"

RoyalT by RoyalT | NEW YORK, NY
Feb 26, 2007

I heard that the teachers of "The Secret" were interviewed on Oprah recently and many people discussed how the whole philosophy had changed their lives completely. I'm intrigued.