Celebrating Moms This Mother's Day

   By SheSpeaksTeam  May 06, 2015

We know how hard women can be on themselves. This can be even more true for Moms.

Several notable ad campaigns depicted the pressure women put on themselves in the last few weeks:


Moms do SO many things right each and every day, and we want to celebrate these moments this Mother's Day.  If you're a Mom yourself we think it's time you gave yourself some credit!  If you want to share a story about your mom, we can't wait to hear it!

To enter our giveaway, share a Mom moment that makes you proud in the comments below.  You can either share a moment about you as a mom or something that your mom has done for you.

We'll randomly choose one commenter to win this Pandora "Bouquet of Love" Bracelet Gift Set*

This gift set features a Sterling Silver PANDORA bracelet with two PANDORA Shimmering Rose charms and a PANDORA Mother & Friend charm in a special gift box!

  - 1 sterling silver PANDORA clasp bracelet 
  - 2 “Shimmering Rose” clips 
  - 1 “Mother & Friend” charm 

Happy Mother's Day!

Congrats to our winner SueG907

*This giveaway is open now through 5/16/2015 to USA residents at least 18 years of age. No purchase necessary.


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ashagner by ashagner | DELPHOS, OH
May 13, 2015

My kids always make me proud to be not only a mom but their mom. I am a mother of 4 (ages 8, 6, 3, and 20 months). They are always making my world shine! I never for one day thought that I could be a mom to 4 children let alone a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children! They light my world and always make me feel special!

kaileysmamaw02 by kaileysmamaw02 | FREDERICKSBRG, VA
May 13, 2015

My son has two daughters and one day he told me he wants his girls to be able to talk to him about anything just like he was able to talk to me ( and his dad ) about anything. A very proud moments for me!

gracepignatare by gracepignatare | GRANVILLE, MA
May 13, 2015

I love learning new things with my kids and then realizing how smart they are!

msteeve1024 by msteeve1024 | Tucson, AZ
May 13, 2015

My daughter is only two and usually communicates in one or two words..she said mommy turn on light please the other day and I was so proud of her I gave her a high five...it really is the little things in life =)

pandorathebrat by pandorathebrat | TRAVELERS RST, SC
May 13, 2015

Every day is a proud mom moment for me. I love watching my daughter grow and her personality develop. So excited to see what comes :D

gracepignatare by gracepignatare | GRANVILLE, MA
May 13, 2015

Hope to win!

MissGutter by MissGutter | littlerock, CA
May 13, 2015

My mom was a teen mom and getting through that hurdle alone and single is one of the biggest things she could ever go though, she is now a COO and taking over businesses all around california. I love her so much and she is the best thing that I could have in my life. Crystal A

empressk by empressk | Litchfield, NH
May 13, 2015

The greatest moment of my mom life just came the other day. My young toddler stumbled and fell - she has never been a cuddler so I was utterly shocked when she ran to me and put her arms around my neck while burying her head in my neck. While I was sad she fell I had never felt so loved as did when that little head nuzzled into me for comfort!

lamalot by lamalot | CHANDLER, AZ
May 13, 2015

I'm proud of how well my mom has taken care of herself since she had a major heart attack two years ago this month. She has completely changed her diet for the better, and exercises three times a week. I am so thankful that she survived her heart attack, and was given a second chance to live a healthier lifestyle!

cheryllo by cheryllo | Unsubscribe, FL
May 12, 2015

My mom helped my husband and I by giving us her car. My husband lost his job in construction when the economy tanked and we were unable to continue making payments on his truck. We lived 65 miles from the closest city where all the jobs were and I didn't work at the time so I didn't have a car. My mom gave us her car even though it meant taking some of her retirement money at 75 years old so my husband could get back and forth to work. It's years later and we still have the car thanks to her. We would never have made it without that car.

m3l1s5a350 by m3l1s5a350 | GRANDVILLE, MI
May 12, 2015

I am proud of my mom for beating breast cancer and still being as strong as a woman today as she was before she was diagnosed. True inspiration!

KouponKat by KouponKat | NAPERVILLE, IL
May 11, 2015

I was very proud of my daughter when she donated her long, blonde hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths to honor both her grandmothers who were living with breast cancer at that time.

hofken by hofken | TUCSON, AZ
May 11, 2015

I'm proud that my daughter-in-law thinks I am a good mother in law. I consider her a good friend after two sons, it's fun to finally have another girl in the family

camelot by camelot | athens, GA
May 11, 2015

my mom is 76yrs and still lends and hand with what every needs to be done, moving, cleaning yards baby sitting, painting, you name it and she can still help, she can even wire you house.

tiffsky80 by tiffsky80 | RIDGE, NY
May 11, 2015

Amazing to see my 3 year old and 9 year go an afternoon without fighting. Gotta love the little things in life!