Enter Our Giveaway by Sharing How You Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Apr 26, 2013

Many people think their everyday actions are ordinary, and that the things they do every day can’t make a difference to help the environment. P&G believes the most effective changes don’t necessarily start with grand acts and can start much closer to home, by changing the way we think about things like waste.

Our members have told us that they:

  • “Reuse egg cartons to start new plants for our garden”
  • “Reuse jars to store odd supplies like, nails, nuts, and bolts”
  • “Use office paper for art, water plants with bathwater, compost, and have a small garden”

How to Enter: 
Comment on this blog post and tell us one small step you could take tomorrow to help Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Or, tell us what your family already does! 

Two lucky winners** will each win a $250 Amazon gift card.

Spread the Word Tell all of your friends on Twitter about the exciting prizes they could win in the P&G Everyday Effect Giveaway

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"Enter the @SheSpeaksUp @ProcterGamble #EverydayEffect Giveaway by sharing how you reduce, reuse & recycle http://bit.ly/12N11gF ”

**Entries open until 11:59 PM ET on Friday, May 10, 2013. Open to U.S. residents over 18 only. The winners will be notified by email on Monday, May 13, 2013.

Make a Comment

reidvictoria89 by reidvictoria89 | Earlville, NY
Apr 30, 2013

We save empty jars and plastic containers to store all the herbs we grow in the garden after we've dried them out

n1stunnor by n1stunnor | MCKINLEYVILLE, CA
Apr 30, 2013

Recycling everything possible!

kmgnau by kmgnau | Bellevue, WA
Apr 30, 2013

I totally use my egg cartons and plant seeds and then plant them in the garden. I also use popsicle sticks as my markers in the garden....not to mention scraps for compost!

Qurshid by Qurshid | Schenectady, NY
Apr 30, 2013

Reuse the plastic bags. Use them in the bathroom trash basket. Keep dust off items high in your closet, like off-season clothes and shoes.Papers have two sides. Use both the sides. Save them for children's art projects, or print documents on both sides.Repair broken items instead of trashing them and buying something new. If you no longer want an item, give it to someone who can use it.Reusable shopping bags are all the rage, and they might be the only option in the future. Buy stylish canvas ones.Old pillowcases can be used for off-season storage. Need a pencil holder? Try an extra mug or a candle holder. Used toothbrushes clean hard-to-reach corners and around sink faucets.

nikkilee0625 by nikkilee0625 | SPRINGFIELD, MA
Apr 30, 2013

There are many things that I recycle.I recycle the jars of babyfood and use them for when I paint my drawings, I recycle grocery bags and use them to dispose the cat's litter, I recycle the Crystal Light containers and use them as cups, I recycle printer paper and use it as scratch paper, I recycle hair product containers and make my own organic conditioners, I recycle the diaper boxes and put anything that is for storage in them, I recycle Clothes and try to practice sewing with them and the ones that I think are still in good condition I donate :) I reuse the gallons of milk and make juice in them. The list goes on but I dont think it will fit here lol

H2OSprite by H2OSprite | Atlanta, GA
Apr 30, 2013

I am a green queen. I recycle, compost, reuse, upcycle, thrift --- whatever it takes to create a sustainable environment.

recordaras by recordaras | LOWELL, MA
Apr 30, 2013

Glass tupperware for work lunches and snacks (no more single-serve yogurt cups at work!) and "real" cutlery at the office - running the dishwasher every evening is so much better than having hundreds of plastic knives and forks thrown away every single day...

lala831 by lala831 | NORTH EASTON, MA
Apr 30, 2013

I purchased a rain barrel today. Can't wait to set it up so I can use the collected water to water my garden this year

kimprine by kimprine | Mesquite, TX
Apr 30, 2013

My family and I are very big on recycling. I try to teach my boys all of the different ways to recycle. They enjoy learning different ways with me.

brandisweet03 by brandisweet03 | MOSCOW, ID
Apr 30, 2013

was happy to make that tweet!

Anita_ by Anita_ | Louisa, KY
Apr 30, 2013

we recycle all the time we take in juck and can's whatever we can ...we try not to use bottle water instead we put our water in a jug and drink from our individual cups. to cut down on plastic.

stove003 by stove003 | La Plata, MD
Apr 30, 2013

Our family recycles all our plastics and aluminum. We also cut the water off while brushing teeth, only turn the shower water on when ready to shower, unplug all appliances when not in use, turn lights off, and reuse household items when applicable.

jenndta69 by jenndta69 | SHERMAN OAKS, CA
Apr 30, 2013

We do what we can to renew, recycle, and reuse. It's a little challenging living in an apartment but we do our part. We use only energy efficient bulbs in our home. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use. We donate and re-purpose as many things as we can because to throw them away would be a shame. We also make a lot of crafts to help supplement our budget so a lot of things other people would normally throw might be things we can use in those crafts or to organize our crafts like jars or cans. I am also using less paper products. I wash more dishes so I don't have paper plates to throw out and only use paper towels if it's something really gross. I clean with towels and such. I think it's like baby steps. We can all do our part with some simple and even fun changes.

mkjordan307 by mkjordan307 | BENNETTSVILLE, SC
Apr 30, 2013

I try to keep my family green by doing thinks like cloth diapering our son, recycle paper products, and we reuse containers, and avoid drinking sodas to reduce plastic! I normally have a garden to save on grocery trips reducing in gas emission's but we have recently moved to a town home preventing it for this year only =[ I could go on and on but these are the "big" things that we do to help improve our Earth!

Angel05 by Angel05 | HAMDEN, CT
Apr 30, 2013

My motto is to reduce reuse and recycle. I don't let anything go to waste. I use reusable shopping bags, but before I started, a couple of years ago, I would reuse my plastic shopping bags as trash bags and I still do. I haven't bought garbage bags in many many years. I also reuse cardboard boxes to collect my recycables, and put those by the curbside. My recycable trash is always bigger than my regular trash. I only use cold water for my laundry, unplug anthing that is not in use, I use shampoo to wash my car, and anything natural for cleaning. I prefer no chemicals.