A Heartbroken Mother Changes The Rules

   By drodriguez  Jun 09, 2009

Hearing that a loved one has been injured or killed is the most devastating news a person can ever receive.  One woman, Carmela Wiant, from Ohio has worked hard to make sure parents don’t have to suffer through the same experience she had when she received news of her son’s, David Christopher Money’s, death. 

According to Wiant’s website, David Money passed away after getting into a car accident from hydroplaning.  The Chaplain informed Wiant over the phone of her son’s death.  As traumatic as this information can be, Wiant thought there should be another, more humane, way of communicating this information to parents.  She wanted a chance to say goodbye or be with her son before he died.

A few months after her son’s death, Wiant started lobbying for a bill so that people could be informed of a loved one’s death in the proper way.  The Money-Burge Act (also known as “Next Of Kin” Bill), in memory of David Money and Steve Burge, allows people to add an emergency contact’s information right onto their driver’s license.  This addition to the license allows the first responders on the scene of an accident to contact the next of kin so they can be with the accident victim a lot sooner.

Wiant describes what she went through while lobbying for the bill on her website.  She wrote, “The process of doing this Bill sometimes was very emotional, very stressful and sometimes I just wanted to quit, but every time I would look at my Son’s picture I would say ?What if the tables were turned and they told him this way’?”

What do you think of the Money-Burge Act put in place by Carmela Wiant?

Do you think other states should follow Ohio’s lead and pass bills similar to this one?


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KateK3020 by KateK3020 | Arvada, CO
Aug 15, 2009

It is nice to be able to run someones drivers license and find a couple contacts but if in case they are unavailable, then there should be another way. It is a great theory and a heartfelt bill but we should still keep emergency contact information in our wallets and in our cars and maybe on our cell phones. If someone is desperate enough to help they will go through your phone and there are plenty of contacts who will know other contacts. This bill is good in theory and i am sorry it happened, but there are still so many other things we need to take into consideration.

myangel82 by myangel82 | MECHANICSBURG, OH
Aug 11, 2009

I am Carmela my son is 27 today Aug 10.. I spoke with a police officer and he was able to contact the family they went to the hospital to be with there loved one. An older couple put there doctors name as contact because of the meds they were on. They were in an accident and the doctor told them what they could and could not have and by the time they got to the Hospital there medical records were there. It is in a data base where LEADS can only use it for emergency situations. They will not have family come to the accident scene. It is so officers can go to there home. Thank you for the kind words and support with this. It should be in every state. Look at all the college kids outta of state. This girl was in the Hospital for 2 days before parents where notified because they did not know how to get a hold of them..

mommy_noel by mommy_noel | Kingsport, TN
Jul 25, 2009

i believe the initial idea is good but needs further thought. I understand in some cases that everything happens so quick where EMS have to choose wether to save the person in need or be "calling next of kin". i do agree next of kin info should be available but in computer for where when they input your DL # that next of kin is listed. also a checkbox on the back that says next of kin on file would be handy like they have organ donor. that way EMS can easily see if the box is checked to locate next of kin. if not checked then they would know that noone is on file. just a little more thought in the bill and I believe that it would work.

stonemom by stonemom | Jerome, ID
Jul 15, 2009

I think it is a great idea. I feel that this kind of news should be delivered in as personal a way as possible. I realize taht some circumstances would notallow for this. But when they do it should be done. It is hard to hear about the death of any loved one but to hear it over the phone by the chaplain after they had already gone is not the way it should be.

3bower by 3bower | Surprise, AZ
Jul 14, 2009

I think that a database would be a great idea and that if a number changes it would be up to the individual to make the appropriate changes. If my son were in an accident I would want to know as quickly as possible and this seems like an attempt to make connection.

brit1029 by brit1029 | north andover, MA
Jul 05, 2009

I think this is a great idea, in the past I worked in a hospital where families come to see the accident victims. Sometimes an hour or two passes before they are notified and get the emergency room.

y2kgrad by y2kgrad | Orlando, FL
Jul 05, 2009

Readily accessible next of kin information can be essential to all first responders to better aid the patient /victim and, in the case of a death, the patient's family. A secure database associated with driver's license information is a great start.

myangel82 by myangel82 | MECHANICSBURG, OH
Jun 24, 2009

This will not be on the drivers license. This will be a secure database when they put the license in it will say emergency contact available where the law enfocement agencies will have to get through the LEADS.. We have had 110,747 sign up in 9 months. I will never get back what was taken from me, being right by his side with my only son David.

radar525 by radar525 | McGuire AFB, NJ
Jun 24, 2009

Why can't they add the next of kin/emergency contact information onto your DL without putting it on the face or back of the card, but using the electronic stripe on the back? Should you get pulled over, police swipe your DL anyway to verify your information. Why can't the system be upgraded to allow drivers to log onto a website, enter their DL# and add this emergency contact information? Most states have DLs or state IDs with this stripe on the back. I do use ICE on my cell phone as well, but depending on the type of accident, a victim's cell phone may not be readily located. Most responders will check for a wallet or purse first to get ID on the patient. If a person's basic emergency info were accessible by scanning the DL, it seems to be a better and more private way rather than cramming more small text onto the front or back of the ID.

mmb2153 by mmb2153 | Newark, NJ
Jun 18, 2009

I believe this idea is both beautiful and effective. Depending on the situation, that phone call could offer information that is life saving, and if not, at the very least it will provide piece of mind for both the person called and the person harmed. It seems so simple when you look at it this way, one small thing can make a big difference. I also believe something along these lines should be used for children and people who are not yet of age to drive. Accidents happen everywhere and not only to people carrying a license. There should be a card with listed emergency numbers that they carry. Just as a diabetic wears a bracelet to inform people of his/her condition, everyone should take part in helping themselves and one another created a safer situation all around.

robynlong by robynlong | meadville, PA
Jun 16, 2009

what a wonderful idea, I hope that can figure out how to make this bill work and work for everyone. My family at this time uses ICE ~ in case of emergency.

Morkoor by Morkoor | Mount Laurel, NJ
Jun 16, 2009

I think this is a great idea and a step in the right direction. Although everyone should always have this information on their person in their wallets. Unfortunately, young children do not have driver's licenses. We need to realize that all problems can't be fixed thru changes in law. Nothing can be 100% effective. Due to so many laws, regulations, lawyers, etc. the general public is afraid to help others because of the repercussions they may suffer later on. Also, it is the priority of the people at the site of an accident to take care of the needs of the injured first to try and save them or stablize them. Sometimes when we try to improve things we end up complicating things for the people that are trying to help us. Every action does cause a reaction. God bless everyone that has suffered such horrific losses. I am truly sorry for their losses.

megnbttrfly by megnbttrfly | Upland, CA
Jun 15, 2009

This is a WONDERFUL idea...it will not be as difficult as some believe. =)

Sonkissed2006 by Sonkissed2006 | Columbus, OH
Jun 14, 2009

Perfect idea! I am a nurse and work in the hospital and deal with this almost daily it seems. It's hard to see a patient die alone or to find out a family member was too late in finding out so they could come to see their loved one before they died.

rainyday by rainyday | okmulgee, OK
Jun 14, 2009

i feel there should be a bill pass in all states to be notified in a decent manner when there is a death,also there should be (next of kin )should be on DL