A First For Women Republicans In Washington

   By drodriguez  Sep 03, 2008

A few days ago Senator John McCain did something no other Republican presidential nominee has ever done before in the history of the party:  he chose a woman as his vice presidential running mate.  The news of Governor Sarah Palin’s nomination surprised many people following the campaign around the country.  Now, everyone knows the name Sarah Palin and everyone wants to know just who she is.


After a quick look at Sarah Palin’s resume one thing is clear: she has become accustomed to breaking barriers throughout her short career.  In 2006 at the age of 42, Palin became Alaska’s first woman governor as well as the youngest governor in Alaskan history.  She was also the first governor to have her inauguration ceremony outside of Juneau as she chose to have it held in Fairbanks instead. 


A look into her personal life and history reveals a personality that we don’t think of when we think of politics as usual in Washington.  From former beauty queen runner up to a seasoned moose hunter to mother of five, Palin does not easily fit into any mold.  Her political career began 16 years ago when she joined her local city council.  And from there, she later became mayor of a small town called Wasilla. 


Her lack of experience in the political arena is an issue for some who wonder if she is ready to handle a vice presidency.  But others are more optimistic.  June Radintz, a retired nurse and Republican, commented to the Boston Globe regarding Palin’s nomination, “If she is what she says she is, it’d be wonderful.  It sounds like she doesn’t go with the flow.  I’m tired of the same old rhetoric.  She’s refreshing.”


As news pours into the media regarding Gov. Palin’s political history, we are also hearing quite a bit about her family and personal life.  MSNBC recently reported about a statement made by the campaign informing the public that Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is currently 5 months pregnant and planning to marry the baby’s father.  Aides from the campaign said that making the pregnancy public was aimed at quelling internet rumors that Sarah Palin’s infant son is actually her daughter’s. 


What do you think of Sen. John McCain choosing Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate?


Will this change the way you vote come November?

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dame by dame | Fanwood, NJ
Sep 05, 2008

McCain's choice does not sway me to vote for his campaign at all. I think using the first women v.p. on a Republican ticket is a pawn to capture votes. We have yet to hear Mrs. Palin express herself without a telepromter, yet so many is suggesting she is so brilliant...interesting perhaps, but I dare not leap to say brilliant so quickly. Let's be excited because she (may) have a tremendous amount of experience that can lead to change and then see her gender as a plus. The same can be said for Obama. Let's look at his experience and then see the benefit to him as the possible first African-American. McCain is using her to be the attack person at every stump, so that he can appear to be the good guy. This says to other young women trying to establish a career for themselves that you can't make it among the men unless you are tough and can refer to yourself as a "bull". This is sexism at its best. The fact that women can't be respected unless they are acting like the stereotypical B____ is an insult to women everywhere. McCain's campaign won't give her the opportunity to speak without a scripted piece of paper in her hand. I would love to hear something come out of her mouth that is not verbatim to what she said in her speech on Wednesday night. People state that she is tough because she read a prepared speech with passion. Please consider how many other women can sound just as tough reading the same words. So please see McCain for the hypocrite he became when he began his run for presidency. He doesn't represent women, he represents a campaign. He'd rather pick a woman than to lose a campaign. Obama has been scrutunize to the point whereas a weaker man would have dropped out the campaign by now. He has to explain to his little daughters why their parents are displayed as terrorists on a popular magazine, yet, Republicans say Palin is off limits because she is a woman (or as some of them are saying - "hot woman"), nonsense. What a double standard. Also, her children are cute, however, I would love to see them aired in a role other than little mommies. Her children including the 6-year old,holds her baby more than she or her husband does. Let the children be children. She brags about how she fired the cook and the chauffeur, but I don't see why she would have to explain a nanny. It's perfectly acceptable these days and doesn't mean that one is not fit to mother. Lastly, since when did teenage pregnancy become the new "praise" of the century. First Brittany, then her sister and now Palin's daughter. Someone has to stop making these children sound like icons.

I almost forgot. Someone should let Palin know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a great community organizer....Hmmmm!

kgoodman by kgoodman | Orlando, FL
Sep 05, 2008

At first, I thought it was great that McCain picked a woman as his VP. I am a Democrat, but I do think it is pretty cool that we will either have our first black President or the first female VP. But, after looking past the fact that she is a woman, I find I really disagree with her stance on just about everything. I agree with others that think she was chosen to try and sway those who would have voted for Hilary, and I truly hope that people are smarter than that. Gender should not be the basis for a vote.

erikaboch by erikaboch | Lockport, IL
Sep 05, 2008

I am still undecided, even more so now that I saw Palin speak. I thought she was impressive. I am typically more conservatice than liberal. However, I do like Obama. I did read some of the postings, and Whimsey 770 mentioned that Obama lacks vital experience. Which is true, but Palin is even less experienced, and she is just one heartbeat away from leading the country (if Republicans are elected). Just something to think about. Another comment, I also don't think Palin and Obamas lack of vital experience is necessarily a bad thing. Look and Clinton and Bush they had a lot of experience and our country has not benefitted from their years of service. One more thing on Palin...I agree with all of those who said she is no Hilary, and THANK GOD!!!

rdiamondp by rdiamondp | WAUSAU, WI
Sep 05, 2008

I don't think there is any GREAT choice for president this year and as for McCain choosing Palin, I think it is his way of trying to get more of the women's votes out there. I thought it was a cleaver idea to start with but now that I hear more about her, I don't think she is an asset. She has too much drama and does not portray herself as strong and tough as Hilary does.

jade28 by jade28 | Rochester, NY
Sep 04, 2008

She's pro-life and pro-gun, she's doesn't relate to me!

didama by didama | MAPLEWOOD, NJ
Sep 04, 2008

I think McCain believes that women must be idiots. He didn't vet Palin at all. Silly! Look at all of the garbage that's coming out about her. McCain's top VP choices were Ridge, Lieberman etc. Palin was not his first choice. She was a hail mary!

jennibee by jennibee | Mountain Brook, AL
Sep 04, 2008

I am so excited about the upcoming election! Way to go Sarah Palin! I am McCain/Palin all the way!

Hgroff2005 by Hgroff2005 | Sandston, VA
Sep 04, 2008

I don't really think that it's a Hilary vote item. She is a stand up woman who faces the real issues that us everyday Americans face. She is a strong woman. With Obama, on the job training is not what is needed to lead a country. Just think what terror may occur in that learning curve, there is no mentor to teach him.

ilikemovies by ilikemovies | Harrison, OH
Sep 04, 2008

Palin is an exciting addition to the ticket. She has INTEGRITY. I like what I've seen of her so far. A caring mother, a loving wife, a popular, energized Governor. She can stand up for herself without coming off in an ugly way. I think McCain's choice is brilliant! This ticket has my vote!

didama by didama | MAPLEWOOD, NJ
Sep 04, 2008

Really? This makes some want to vote for McCain more? I was on the fence about McCain but, feel like this completely turned me off! Does he think that the disenfranchised Hillary voters will just swing to him because of Palin. That's his strategy. Does he think women are morons?!

Salemsw by Salemsw | Millbury, MA
Sep 04, 2008

You said it ALL !!!!

whimsey770 by whimsey770 | Villa Rica, GA
Sep 03, 2008

Well...I was planning to vote for McCain anyway because I feel Obama lacks vital experience. However, McCain is one of the Washington Republicans that has been around forever. Now with his choice of Palin, I am very excited. She brings something to the ticket that it lacked. She isn't Hillary, but that isn't a bad thing. She has run governement (on a much smaller scale) where the other three men in the race have not. They have strickly voted according to how there campaign fund was padded. Not Palin. She has excellent organizational skills. Who else would be able to take all this on? (family and country) You don't see her husband hosting The View.