Love this seat!! Love this seat!! Perfect for the baby learning to sit. It's a lifesaver for when I'm trying to cook and no one else is around the help hold the baby. I sit him in this whenever we eat as well and he's happy as a clam.
The bumbo seat is a safe and comfortable product that allows children to learn how to sit up unassisted. The concept of the product is amazing, although there should be a variety of size options for this product.
Good product, helped with stability learning to sit up but her little thighs got to chunky for the leg openings really early on.
Great concept... poor follow through My 3-4 month old would slouch in this and her legs were too big for the holes. Not made for chubby babies and didn't really provide any developmental help beyond a baby bouncer. In fact, the bouncer seems safer than using this. Gave it a good try but I was really disappointed.
Awesome product I used a bimbo with my daughter and they are great. The seat really helps them strengthen their core and sit up sooner. I love this product
Bumbo Floor Seat Right now, I am loving Bumbo! Our floor seat has been such a blessing to our new little one! With our support at first, and on his own later, it was a great way to help him practice holding his head up and sitting. The floor seat is the only one I've tried but I'm sold. The soft material makes it comfortable and the safety belt added makes me feel safer about putting him in it.
AMAZING! This is a great product. My little boy absolutely loved his bumbo. He started using it as soon as he could sit up on his own, and this seat's design assists with the bad posture that comes with being a little one. I feel like he felt independent from having his own seat.
Amazing!!! I have a 4 month old daughter and she ABSOLUTELY LOVES this chair, It holds her up right and helps define her posture.
My 6 month old daughter couldn't even fit her legs comfortably through this. She would get stuck and cry. She seemed happy to be sitting up with the family, but she hated the getting out process. I felt like it was causing more harm than doing good.
I don't have this item personally but am going to purchase it this upcoming week. I have a knock off and my son has trouble sitting in. My aunts son, who's two months older, has this bumbo and I have used it a couple times when we vacationed together. My son loves this seat because he wants to be able to sit up very badly but isn't quite stable enough to do so on his own. He doesn't tilt to his sides uncomfortable, which he does do in our seat. It is also cushioned better than ours, and it shows because my son spends more time happily sitting in the bumbo. I can't wait to buy it this week!
I think this is a great idea and super cute. I just never felt safe with my children in it. I always had to be right next to them. Although, my friends never had any issues, but I never felt secure so I didn't get much use out of it.
I really enjoyed having this around when my daughter was little. She enjoyed having a comfortable place to sit and would even play with it when she was older. It's great when used on the floor. I love that I never had to worry about sharp edges with the Bumbo. If you're going to be a new mom go grab one today!
I'm not sure what we'd do without the Bumbo. My daughter did everything in this for a few months! With the little tray, she ate, did finger painting and played in there. It's so easy to wipe down and seems pretty comfortable for babies too. Def recommend this for every new Mom.
Design Needs work. My son did not sit comfortably in here. We ended up using the big nursing type pillow instead.
These are not good for babies under the age of 4 months, putting them on this chair can hurt their spinal chord and a ton of other things. Research it before you put your baby in this thing.