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Commented on:

SheSpeaks Spring Survey Results

1 day ago : How has life in the past three and a half years been - skyrocketing inflation, horrible economy, invasion of illegals from all countries (mostly military age men) and world war on the brink including nuclear threat, corrupt administration, etc. And people still want to vote for the same guy? Unb…

Commented on:

You heard that right! SheSpeaks is now on TikTok!

on May 25, 2022: TikTok is a Chinese company that collects a huge amount of data. IMHO, aren't there enough social media sites already - Instagram, FB, etc... Surprised that SheSpeaks will use it.

Commented on:

Fall Survey Results

on Nov 12, 2021: Interesting that hopefulness has dropped as well as the numbers of people who think we are going in the wrong direction have increased. Totally agree with this. This was bound to happen with the current administration, but who thought it would be so fast and so devastating.